Jan M. Winn, MEd, RT(N), CNMT Executive Director, JRCNMT
The fall meeting of the JRCNMT was held October 28–29, 2011, in Oklahoma City, OK. During this meeting, the board of directors considered 1 request for inactive status and approved voluntary withdrawal of accreditation from 2 programs, 1 due to program closure.
Initial accreditation was granted to the following nuclear medicine technology programs:
Allen College, Waterloo, IA (follow-up report, 2014)
Frederick Community College, Frederick, MD (progress report, 2012)
Extended accreditation was granted to the following nuclear medicine technology programs:
GateWay Community College, Phoenix, AZ (resurvey, 2015)
Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, FL (resurvey, 2015)
Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute, Hudson, NC (resurvey, 2015)
Robert Morris University, Moon Township, PA (follow-up report, 2013)
Southeast Technical Institute, Sioux Falls, SD (resurvey, 2015)
Methodist Healthcare, Memphis, TN (resurvey, 2015)
Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, WV (probation rescinded; progress report, 2014)
Continued accreditation was granted to the following nuclear medicine technology programs:
Santa Fe College, Gainesville, FL (resurvey, 2014)
Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA (resurvey, 2016)
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA (resurvey, 2014)
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Boston, MA (resurvey, 2018)
UMass Memorial Healthcare/Worcester State University, Worcester, MA (resurvey, 2016)
Research Medical Center, Kansas City, MO (resurvey, 2018)
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE (resurvey, 2018)
University at Buffalo SUNY, Buffalo, NY (resurvey, 2018)
Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH (resurvey, 2013)
University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San Juan, PR (resurvey, 2018)
Midlands Technical College, Columbia, SC (resurvey, 2016)
Vanderbilt University Hospital, Nashville, TN (resurvey, 2018)
Del Mar College, Corpus Christi, TX (resurvey, 2016)
Houston Community College, Houston, TX (resurvey, 2016)
Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI (resurvey, 2016)
The following programs remain accredited but were placed on administrative probation:
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA
Muhlenberg Snyder School of Medical Imaging, Plainfield, NJ
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Six-month probationary accreditation was given to Cambridge Institute of Allied Health and Technology in Delray Beach, FL.
The committee will review 16 nuclear medicine technology programs seeking continued accreditation in 2012. Written third-party testimony may be submitted to the JRCNMT regarding any nuclear medicine technology program undergoing review. Persons desiring to present third-party oral testimony at a board meeting must submit a written request. Third-party testimony, written and oral, must be limited to compliance of the educational program with the Accreditation Standards for Nuclear Medicine Technologist Education.
The following programs are undergoing review in 2012:
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA
Gateway Community College, North Haven, CT
St. Vincent's Medical Center, Jacksonville, FL
Springfield Technical Community College, Springfield, MA
Regis College, Weston, MA
The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
Central Maine Medical Center College of Nursing & Health, Lewiston, ME
Forsyth Technical Community College, Winston-Salem, NC
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI
South College, Knoxville, TN
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
Kanawha Valley Community & Technical College, Institute, WV
The 2012 Board of Directors comprises the following members:
Rodney Bowman, MD
Hung Q. Dam, MD
Christine Z. Dickinson, MD
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACNM, FACR
Anne Ewing, PhD
Vesper V. Grantham, MEd, RT(N), CNMT
Frances K. Keech, MBA, RT(N), FSNMTS
Mary Anne Owen, MHE, RT(N), FSNMTS
Leesa Ross, MA, RT(N)(CT), CNMT, PET
Darla Smith, BS
Richard States, DHSc, RT(N), CNMT
Mary St. Peter, BS, RT(R)(N)(M), CNMT, FASRT
Hadyn T. Williams, MD, FACNM
Anthony P. Yudd, MD, PhD, FACR
The following board members were elected to serve as officers in 2012:
Chairman: Richard States, DHSc, RT(N), CNMT
Vice-Chairman: Vesper Grantham, MEd, RT(N), CNMT
Secretary-Treasurer: Mary Anne Owen, MHE, RT(N), FSNMTS
The next meeting of the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology is scheduled for April 13–14, 2012, in Atlanta, GA.