Description and Goals
The Central chapter covers Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. There are about 1,890 total members. Its goals are to remain one of the largest chapters, to actively reach out to all technologists with continuing education opportunities, to communicate pertinent information to members from the national level and support member needs, and to advance the field of nuclear medicine by creating opportunities for members to participate in activities such as state policy review, governance, research, and the presentation of original educational material to peers. The chapter communicates well through constant e-mail blasts and flyers and has a significant leadership representation at the SNM national meetings. Also noteworthy about this chapter is that it has 1 of the 3 nuclear medicine schools chosen to serve as a model for the BS Transition Program.
Annual Meeting
The chapter holds 2 meetings each year. Approximately 250 people attend the spring annual meeting, and about 150 attend the fall educational meeting. This year, the spring meeting will be held in Indianapolis in April and the fall meeting in Wisconsin in October. In addition, the chapter holds Road Shows in each of 5 states, usually in the months of September, October, and November. These events consist of a 4-hour session (4 lectures) and are usually attended by 40 or 50 people per show, or about 200 total. This chapter tries to have a pulse on what technologists are looking for in CE credits, and the meetings are marketed at prominent venues. In addition, the spring and fall meetings provide a unique opportunity for technologists to reconnect, create networking relationships, and learn vital new information from each other and from experts in the field. The membership gets the chance to hear more about what SNM is doing for them and what they can do to help out. Attendees go home reinvigorated about the field of nuclear medicine and what the future holds for their careers.
Leadership Development and Fellows
The Central chapter attempts to develop new leaders by first encouraging any volunteers to chair a committee or participate in governance meetings. In addition, once members are elected to leadership roles (treasurer, secretary, vice president, or president), the chapter offers financial support for meeting attendance. New leaders are also encouraged to apply to the SNMTS Leadership Academy at the national level. The chapter fosters student involvement by creating student leadership positions, encouraging students to submit and present abstracts, and holding a student quiz bowl and breakout session at the spring meeting. Through the years, the chapter has had 14 SNMTS fellows. Currently, there are 11.
Description and Goals
The Greater New York chapter covers eastern New York (east of Syracuse and south of Albany), eastern Pennsylvania (east of Harrisburg), southern Connecticut, and all of New Jersey. There are about 1,630 total members. The goals of the chapter are to promote the practice of nuclear medicine technology and molecular imaging at all levels, to provide high-quality continuing education opportunities to the membership, and to help students transition from student to technologist members.
Annual Meeting
The chapter’s annual meeting is usually held on the second weekend in March. This year, it will take place on March 9 and 10 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Between 475 and 600 technologists attend the meeting. Because it includes 2 major metropolitan areas, the chapter is fortunate to have a large number of nuclear medicine physicians and nuclear medicine technologists who freely give of their time to present high-quality continuing education programs at the annual meeting. The technologist party held on Friday night is a popular event each year.
Leadership Development and Fellows
The council meetings of the Greater New York chapter are always open to members who express an interest. The chapter pairs new volunteers with experienced council members, who mentor the newcomers. There are currently 3 fellows within the chapter. In addition, 2 members have applied for fellowship, and Member Ann Marie Alessi will become a fellow at the end of her SNMTS presidency.
Description and Goals
The Missouri Valley chapter covers 6 states encompassing the Great Plains and the Midwest: North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and Missouri. This is a most vibrant and active chapter in all areas of nuclear medicine, with about 750 total members. Its mission is to strive to ensure that all members have access to updates about the most current technology and innovations in nuclear medicine. These updates are provided to members through continuing education and hands-on experience at chapter meetings. The Missouri Valley chapter is an active liaison with the SNMTS, as many of the chapter members have executive positions on the national council. The goal of the chapter is to maintain the highest level of leadership and to guide the direction of the industry.
Annual Meeting
The chapter holds an annual fall meeting generally sometime in October. The location of the meeting is rotated every year among the key cities in the 6 states to ensure that all members have an opportunity to attend at some point. This autumn, the meeting will be held in Overland Park, Kansas. There generally are about 200 attendees. The fall meeting always begins with a Friday-evening social event, continues with a full educational day on Saturday, and concludes midday on Sunday. The chapter provides only the most relevant, current, exciting topics and news to create a must-attend meeting for its members. Further, continuing education credit is offered for the lectures so that technologist members can optimally fulfill their annual license requirements. At the conclusion of the meeting, all attendees are encouraged to complete a survey providing feedback and asking for input on topics to be covered at the following year's meeting.
Leadership Development and Fellows
Input received from the annual meeting provides the Missouri Valley chapter with the opportunity to identify and cultivate new leaders for the chapter. The current executive team speaks with members and seeks to determine whether any may have interest in taking a more active or future leadership role in the SNMTS. After identifying these members, the executive team immediately begins to work with them, groom them, and build their confidence. In this way, the torch is passed to those who are fully excited and prepared to accept the responsibilities of being involved with the SNMTS on a national level. In addition to this leadership training by the local chapter, a national SNMTS Leadership Academy is held annually in Indianapolis. This academy, along with nurturing and support from local leaders, unquestionably develops the future leadership of the SNMTS. There are 10 fellows within the chapter.
Description and Goals
The New England chapter covers Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. There are about 500 total members. The goals of the chapter are to maintain and service current members, to reach out to past members and potential new technologist and student members, and to develop future leaders with the inception of chapter subcommittees. Formed in 1969 to increase awareness and education for nuclear medicine technologists, the chapter was originally known as the Committee on Technical Affairs. In 1970, the committee evolved into the New England Technologist Section, SNM, and its constitution and by-laws were approved by the New England SNM. Coincidentally, the year the New England chapter evolved into a chapter, the SNMTS came into existence. Its national office was in New York City, and several New England technologist leaders were involved in it. Because of the success of the New England chapter, the chapter was asked to help in the organization of other chapters. The chapter’s successful NECTS Journal, now known as the E-Journal, dates back to the early years of the chapter. In January 1972, the New England chapter published the first edition of its newsletter, called “The Technologist Section Newsletter.” This newsletter, which was edited by Norma Anderson and Cecile Gaigals, was distributed among the New England technologists. Because of its success, the 2 New England editors were invited to the New York central office to discuss heading a similar project for the SNMTS. Along with Jacquie Crimins (chapter affiliation unknown), the three became the editors of the newly launched “National Tech Journal.” This national newsletter, which was the predecessor of the current JNMT, had its roots in the New England chapter and the contributions of its technologists.
Annual Meeting
The chapter’s annual spring symposium takes place in April, with the location rotated among the member states. Included in this symposium is a student tract. Approximately 200 technologists and physicians usually attend the meeting, and the student program normally attracts 50 students, including 20–25 student presenters. The technologist session and the student session are both 2-day events featuring relevant speakers for the technologists, along with a vendor display area. The student tract consists of a registry review and registry mock exam and student scientific presentations in both oral and poster formats. For technologists, the meeting provides an opportunity to spend time with the vendors who service their facilities and to socialize with their fellow professionals. For students, the meeting provides an opportunity to participate in a registry review before they sit for the certification exams and to take part in the technologist sessions.
Leadership Development and Fellows
Individuals who have exhibited a willingness to volunteer and serve the chapter are chosen to attend the SNMTS Leadership Academy. Recently, the New England chapter also established subcommittees that have specific duties related to the ongoing activities of the chapter. Future chapter representatives for the SNMTS Leadership Academy may be chosen from the technologist volunteers who asked to be part of these subcommittees. There are 9 SNMTS fellows within the chapter.
Description and Goals
The Southeastern chapter covers Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and the lower half of Ohio. There are about 1,735 total members. The goals of the chapter are to provide continuing education and research activities, including an annual meeting each year; to be a professional networking forum for members and a mechanism for encouraging and enhancing professional leadership; and to monitor and address nuclear medicine professional issues at the local level. This chapter is especially known for having strong and independent state societies.
Annual Meeting
The chapter’s annual meeting is usually held in September or October. This year, it will take place on September 20–23 in Savannah, Georgia.
Between 250 and 350 technologists attend the meeting. Particularly popular are the host educator forums and workshops on nuclear cardiology, CT, or MRI held on the Thursday before the main meeting. These activities help keep chapter members up to date on new technologies and information. The main meeting includes lectures by a variety of technologists, physicians, and scientists on a range of pertinent topics. Typically, 18 continuing education units are offered at the annual meeting.
Leadership Development and Fellows
The Southeastern chapter has strong individual state chapters that groom local technologists to become leaders at the chapter and national levels. In addition, younger members are actively encouraged to take part in the SNMTS Leadership Academy each year, and individuals are also encouraged to become involved in committees and to run for office. There are 13 SNMTS fellows within the chapter.
Description and Goals
The Southwestern chapter covers Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas. There are about 1,020 total members. The goals of the chapter are to provide high-quality education and to empower technologists to become involved in chapter and national leadership. This chapter is known for its outstanding leadership. In the 1990s, members from this chapter held the office of national president for 3 years in a row (Brad Pounds for 1 year and Art Hall for 2 years). Currently, 2 of its leaders are serving as governance speakers (Michael Kroger, speaker of the SNMTS NCOR, and Dr. Michael Middleton, speaker of the SNM house of delegates). The chapter has also interviewed over 20 of its past chapter and SNMTS presidents and will be posting the interviews and images on its Web site (http://www.swcsnm.org/).
Annual Meeting
The chapter’s annual meeting is held between mid March and mid April, with the location alternating among the member states. Approximately 425 technologists and 85 MDs, PhDs, and PharmDs attend the meeting, which offers networking opportunities, a chance to reunite with old friends, and about 40 vendor displays. Typically 16–18 continuing education units are available for technologists. In addition, SAM sessions and CT case reviews are offered for physicians, and continuing education units are offered for pharmacists.
Leadership Development and Fellows
The Southwestern chapter recruits at the fall and annual meetings, and leadership actively visits with the membership at breaks and lunch. Volunteers are recruited to help with attendee flow and are encouraged to take office. The travel expenses of elected technologist leaders are reimbursed. There are 3 SNMTS fellows within the chapter.