Article Figures & Data
Reaction scale Type of reaction No. of reactions Site 1 Site 2 Percentage of total reactions 1 No adverse reaction 233 287 2 Shortness of breath 17 10 4.5 3 Nausea 48 19 11.1 4 Flushing sensation 25 26 8.4 5 Headache 126 98 37.1 6 Lightheadedness 27 25 8.6 7 Dizziness 22 9 5.1 8 Chest Pain 50 23 12.1 9 Tightness in neck or arm 21 16 6.1 10 Other 39 3 7.0 Patient category Site 1 Site 2 Total, no. (% of total patients) Male Female Male Female Male Female All patients 252 235 202 244 454 (48.7) 479 (51.3) No adverse reaction 141 89 130 160 271 (29.0) 249 (26.7) Adverse reaction 111 146 72 84 183 (19.6) 230 (24.7) Patient category No. observed (expected) Total Male Female No adverse reaction 271 249 520 (253) (267) Adverse reaction 183 230 413 (201) (212) Total observed 454 479 933 χ-square value 5.61 > 3.84 is the critical value at P − 0.05.
Male Female Site 1 45 78 Site 2 40 61 Total, no. (%) 85 (37.9) 139 (62.1)