As I write this column, the last column of my presidency, I can confidently say that SNMMI is truly a one-of-a-kind organization. This past weekend I had the opportunity to take part in the SNMMI Strategic Planning Board of Directors meeting. This was the first time the SNMMI Board of Directors has met in-person since the 2020 Mid-Winter Meeting—more than two years ago! The discussion over the weekend and the collegial family atmosphere among board members and invited guests left me feeling excited and hopeful for all the Society and the field have to offer in the future.
As president, you are often exposed to the detailed workings of the SNMMI—and this year, although mostly virtual, has been no exception. We have seen several local state wins at the legislative level thanks to the outstanding efforts of the State TAGs across the United States. Our curriculum is under revision with changes that will help to shape future nuclear medicine technologists and programs, an effort that the Educators Curriculum Task Force led with excitement and critical strategy. The SNMMI-TS is months away from releasing a molecular therapy–focused issue of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, with therapy education following closely behind. We have reconnected with our international partners after a long 3 years and are collaborating to provide important nuclear medicine sessions to technologists during the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WFNMB) meeting later this year. The SNMMI-TS Publications Committee published the 2-part PET/CT in Oncology “mini-book,” which has been widely distributed and utilized since the release of Part 2 just a few months ago.
I am so proud of all the work that the SNMMI-TS committees, National Council of Representatives, and Executive Board have accomplished this year. I want to recognize the amazing leadership team and each of the talented committee chairs I have had the pleasure to work with over the last year. The commitment and passion within the committees throughout this past year has led to unparalleled success and paved the way for an amazing year. Thank you to each of the following chairs for their dedication:
• Advocacy Committee – Dmitry Beyder and Tricia Peters
• Awards Committee – Mark Crosthwaite
• Bylaws Committee – Kelli Schlarbaum
• Continuing Education Committee – Kathy Thomas (Chair) and Roberta Alvarez (Vice-Chair)
• Educators Committee – Lauren Shanbrun
• Finance Committee Report – Jay Smith
• History Committee – Leo Nalivaika
• International – David Gilmore
• Membership Committee – Sarah Gibbons
• Molecular Therapy Task Force – Wendy Territo
• Nominating Committee – Tina Buehner
• Nuclear Medicine Week Task Force – Leesa Ann Ross
• PET/MRI Task Force Update – Peter Kamvosoulis
• Professional Development & Education Fund (PDEF) – Dori Nelson
• Professional Development Committee – Matthew McMahon
• Program Committee – Kathleen Krisak
• Publications Committee – Jessica Williams
• Quality Committee – April Mann (Chair) and Paul Riley (Vice-Chair)
• Scope of Practice Task Force – Jeremy Iman
• State TAG – Cheryl Rickley
• Student and Graduate Task Force – Thalia Zolis
• Women in Nuclear Medicine Working Group – Sarah Frye
I hope to see many of you in Vancouver, BC, Canada, in June as we celebrate our first live SNMMI Annual Meeting since 2019. Thank you for letting me serve as your president—it has truly been a pleasure!
Dusty M. York, CNMT, PET, RT(N)(CT)