If you are taking the time to read this, I know you are engaged in the field of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging on some level. Whether you are a practicing technologist, an educator, a manager of a medical imaging department, a student, or an industry partner, I want to take a moment to thank you for your involvement in our profession. Your interest and engagement are what continue to move us forward as a profession and a specialty.
Tina M. Buehner, PhD, CNMT, NMTCB(CT)(RS), RT(N)(CT)
Nuclear medicine, molecular imaging and radiopharmaceutical therapies make nuclear medicine technology by far one of the most complex specialties in medical imaging technology. Many of us have been around long enough to watch as the role and responsibilities of the nuclear medicine technologist (NMT) have evolved significantly throughout the years and entry-level education has morphed to combine the modalities of nuclear medicine and computed tomography. As the role of the NMT continues to grow, so will the knowledge and competencies to perform in those roles.
Our profession undoubtedly promotes the life-long learner, and there are many paths the NMT can take to obtain an advanced graduate degree. Those interested in management often pursue degrees in health care or business administration. NMTs with a love for research can seek out programs that provide a solid understanding of ethical and statistical considerations for design and implementation of research studies. These degrees are typically obtained at the master’s or doctorate level. Additionally, more of our educators are moving toward doctorate degrees in education (EdD). The EdD is the highest degree obtainable in education, and it prepares educators for the academic, administrative, and professional roles in private or public institutions of higher learning.
The SNMMI and SNMMI-TS highly value continued learning and professional advancements and have created many scholarships, grants, and awards to provide financial assistance to our members who are advancing their careers within the field of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.