Jan M. Winn, MEd, RT(N), CNMT
The spring meeting of the JRCNMT was held April 15–16, 2016, in Chicago, IL. During this meeting, the board of directors accepted 2 requests for voluntary withdrawal of accreditation and approved 2 substantive change requests from programs.
Initial accreditation was granted to the following nuclear medicine technology programs:
Broward College North Campus, Coconut Creek, FL (awarded through 2019)
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (awarded through 2019)
Continued accreditation was granted to the following nuclear medicine technology program:
Bluegrass Community & Technical College, Lexington, KY (awarded through 2019)
Extended accreditation was granted to the following nuclear medicine technology programs:
Robert Morris University, Moon Township, PA (awarded through 2022)
Amarillo College, Amarillo, TX (awarded through 2022)
West Virginia University Hospital, Morgantown, WV (awarded through 2020)
The 2016 Board of Directors comprises the following members:
Jimmy Council, MBA, RT(N), CNMT
Hung Q. Dam, MD
Anne Ewing, PhD
Vesper V. Grantham, MEd, RT(N), CNMT
Beth Harkness, MS, DABR, FACR
Penni Longenecker, PhD, RT(N), CNMT
Charito Love, MD
Gary Lunger, MSRIS, RT(R)(N)
Darlene Metter, MD, FACR
Leesa Ross, MA, RT(N)(CT), CNMT, PET
Partha Sinha, MD, MBA
Darla Smith, MEd
Mary St. Peter, BS, RT(R)(N)(M), CNMT, FASRT
Andrew Trout, MD
The process of revising the current JRCNMT accreditation standards is under way. The public is encouraged to check the JRCNMT website (www.jrcnmt.org) to learn about the process and provide input on the draft currently available for public comment.
The next meeting of the JRCNMT is scheduled for October 21–22, 2016, in Oklahoma City.