Article Figures & Data
Sincalide dose (μg/kg) Time of infusion (min) Mean GBEF ± SD (%) GBEF range (%) No. of healthy individuals studied Reference 0.04 3 43 ± 26 15–88 12 (82) 0.02 3 35 ± 17 17–59 6 (82) 0.02 3 56 ± 27 0–100 23 (84) 0.01 3 46 ± 20 12–74 20 (86) 0.01 10 76 ± 16 37–96 13 (87)* 0.02 15 76 ± 22 32–98 15 (88) 0.02 15 57 ± 29 22–98 60 (85) 0.01 30 64 ± 20 26–95 14 (84) 0.02 30 70 ± 22 17–97 23 (84) 0.02 30 71 ± 25 8–99 60 (85) 0.015 45 75 ± 12 >40† 40 (3) 0.01 60 68 ± 16 15–88 20 (86) 0.02 60 84 ± 16 38–100 60 (85) Administered activity Largest radiation dose Effective dose Radiopharmaceutical MBq mCi Organ mGy/MBq rad/mCi mSv/MBq rem/mCi 99mTc-disofenin or 99mTc-mebrofenin 56–180 intravenously 1.5–5.0 Gallbladder wall 0.11 0.41 0.017 0.063 *Data are from (95).
Administered activity Largest radiation dose Effective dose Radiopharmaceutical MBq/kg mCi/kg Age(y) Organ mGy/MBq rad/mCi mSv/MBq rem/mCi 99mTc-disofenin 1.85 intravenously 0.05 1 Gallbladder wall 0.95 3.5 0.10 0.37 5 ULI 0.29 1.1 0.045 0.17 99mTc-mebrofenin 1.85 intravenously 0.05 10 ULI 0.18 0.67 0.029 0.11 15 Gallbladder wall 0.12 0.44 0.021 0.078 *Data are from (95).
ULI = upper large intestine.
Fetal dose Stage of gestation mGy/MBq rad/mCi Early 0.017 0.063 3 mo 0.015 0.056 6 mo 0.012 0.044 9 mo 0.0067 0.025 Dose estimates to fetus are from Russell et al. (96) and allow a physician to make the best possible informed recommendation to an individual patient. However, no information about possible placental crossover of hepatobiliary compounds is available.