Val Cronin, CNMT, FSNMTS, manager of imaging services at Women and Children's Hospital, Buffalo, New York, assumed office as the 2010–2012 president of the Education and Research Foundation (ERF) for SNM. ERF introduced a new slate of officers during the SNM 57th annual meeting, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
“Over the next year, I look forward to working with foundation donors, SNM leadership, and other stakeholders to ensure the Foundation is able to continue to provide grants, awards, and scholarships in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging,” said Cronin. “In today's economy, providing educational support to the best and brightest physicians, scientists, and technologists in the field is more critical than ever.”
During her 2-year term, Cronin will focus on ERF's sole mission—raising funds and managing Foundation assets to maximize funding for grants, awards, scholarships, and educational programs in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. “We are immensely grateful to all our donors for their contributions. The progress we have made in recent years is just the beginning. Our goal is to provide over $1 million in funding for research and educational programs. The coming year is giving each of us an unprecedented opportunity to really make a difference and to have an immediate impact on the recruitment of new talent into our specialty!” said Cronin.
Cronin has served in numerous leadership capacities with SNMTS and SNM, including serving as president of SNMTS, a member of the SNM board of directors, a member of the Molecular Imaging Outreach Task Force, chair of the Patient Advocacy Task Force, and vice president of ERF. In addition to her membership in SNM and ERF, Cronin is an active member of the American Society of Radiology Technologists, the Medical Group Management Association, and the Healthcare Executive Forum. Cronin is currently pursuing a master's degree in Health Science Administration from D'Youville College, New York.
Cronin holds a bachelor of science in biology from Saint Bonaventure University, New York, and serves as manager of imaging services at Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo, a Kaleida Health facility. Kaleida Health is the largest health care provider in Western New York, serving the area's 8 counties with state-of-the-art technology and comprehensive health care services by expert, compassionate health care professionals to bring patients the best care.
Other ERF officers elected for 2010–2011 are Peter Conti, MD, PhD, of Los Angeles, California (vice president) and Roy Brown of St. Louis, Missouri (treasurer).