Objective: Dosimetry information was collected to identify trends in radiation exposure among selected occupational workers and types of radioactive material uses.
Methods: Eighteen months of quarterly exposures were summarized. Clinical nuclear medicine technologists (NMTs), PET NMTs and radiopharmacists were evaluated. Further studies were based on the method of product usage and radiopharmacy unit dose users versus generator system users.
Resulte: The average annual whole-body exposures are summarized as: nuclear medicine technologists 1.8 mSv (180 mrem); PET technologists 4.1 mSv (410 mrem); and radiopharmacists 1.8 mSv (180 mrem). Extremity to whole-body ratios were calculated at 5:1,4:1 and 81:1, respectively. Methods of product use showed lower exposures among technologists with radiopharmacy use.
Conclusion: The radiation exposures evaluated for this select group of occupational workers are comparable to data available in recently published materials. Extremity to whole-body ratios may be useful as a tool for comparison to similar radiation safety programs in nuclear medicine and PET.