Index by author
December 1, 1991; Volume 19,Issue 4
Allen, M. L.
- You have accessRadioactive Decay and Pallet Artifacts in SPECT ImagingM.J. Feldkamp, M. L. Allen, W. W. Mohr, K. G. Baxter, D. F. Preston and R. G. RobinsonJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1991, 19 (4) 220-223;
Argenyi, E. E.
- You have accessA New Method for Determination of Left-to-Right Cardiac ShuntsJ. S. Preslar, M. T. Madsen and E. E. ArgenyiJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1991, 19 (4) 216-219;
Bartlett, Marjorie E.
- You have accessReproducibility of Technetium-99m Mebrofenin Hepatic Functional Parameters Obtained with Semi-Automatic SoftwareJeffry Spackman, Marjorie E. Bartlett, LeeAnn Ryals, Marsha Eklem, Susan Gilbert, Shakuntala Krishnamurthy and Gerbail T. KrishnamurthyJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1991, 19 (4) 228-231;
Baxter, K. G.
- You have accessRadioactive Decay and Pallet Artifacts in SPECT ImagingM.J. Feldkamp, M. L. Allen, W. W. Mohr, K. G. Baxter, D. F. Preston and R. G. RobinsonJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1991, 19 (4) 220-223;
Boyce, Terri M.
- You have accessAdenosine Cardiac ImagingTerri M. Boyce, Gerald W. Guidry, John J. Mahmarian, Judy Hixson and Mario S. VeraniJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1991, 19 (4) 203-208;
Bridges, Jacqueline A.
- You have accessTask Analysis: Foundation for a Valid ExaminationGregory J. Cizek and Jacqueline A. BridgesJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1991, 19 (4) 245-246;
- You have accessNMTCB REPORTJacqueline A. BridgesJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1991, 19 (4) 249;
Christian, Paul E.
- You have accessComputer-Assisted Diagnosis of Cardiac Perfusion StudiesFrank V. Gabor, Frederick L. Datz, Paul E. Christian, Grant T. Gullberg and Kathryn A. MortonJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1991, 19 (4) 238-244;
Cizek, Gregory J.
- You have accessTask Analysis: Foundation for a Valid ExaminationGregory J. Cizek and Jacqueline A. BridgesJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1991, 19 (4) 245-246;
Cooper, D.
- You have accessTechnical Considerations for Nuclear Medicine Studies of Cardiac Transplant PatientsJ. Harolds, V. Martin, S. McFarland, D. Novitzky, D. Cooper and N. ZuhdiJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1991, 19 (4) 224-227;
Datz, Frederick L.
- You have accessComputer-Assisted Diagnosis of Cardiac Perfusion StudiesFrank V. Gabor, Frederick L. Datz, Paul E. Christian, Grant T. Gullberg and Kathryn A. MortonJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1991, 19 (4) 238-244;