Table of Contents
December 1, 1986; Volume 14,Issue 4
Alexander, George W.
- You have accessNMTCB REPORTGeorge W. AlexanderJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1986, 14 (4) 240;
Augustine, Samuel
- You have accessUnit Dose Radiochemical Stability of Commonly Used Technetium-99m RadiopharmaceuticalsBill D. Hupp, Maria V. Nagel and Samuel AugustineJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1986, 14 (4) 202-205;
Baker, William J.
- You have accessNUCLEAR PHARMACY: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CLINICAL APPLICATION OF RADIOPHARMACEUTICALSWilliam J. BakerJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1986, 14 (4) 236-237;
Barber, James M.
- You have accessTechnical Aspects of a New Technique for Estimating Glomerular Filtration Rate Using Technetium-99m-DTPAKatherine L. Rowell, Frances N. Kontzen, Marian E. Stutzman, Restituto Caranto, James M. Barber, Charles D. Russell, Eva V. Dubovsky and Johnny W. ScottJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1986, 14 (4) 196-198;
Bartlett, Bruce
- You have accessThallium Lung-to-Heart Quantification: Three Methods of EvaluationMary Beth Harler, Moira Mahoney, Bruce Bartlett, Kanta Patel and Elliott TurbinerJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1986, 14 (4) 193-195;
Beightol, Robert W.
- You have accessA Multi-institutional In Vitro Evaluation of Commercial 99mTc Macroaggregated Albumin KitsRonald J. Callahan, Dennis P. Swanson, Neil A. Petry, Robert W. Beightol, Julienne Vaillancourt and Stephen C. DragotakesJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1986, 14 (4) 206-209;
Benedetto, Anthony R.
- You have accessEmployment in Nuclear Medicine During PregnancyAnthony R. BenedettoJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1986, 14 (4) 218-224;
Bridges, Jacqueline A.
- You have accessSOCIO-ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPORTJacqueline A. BridgesJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1986, 14 (4) 239;
Callahan, Ronald J.
- You have accessA Multi-institutional In Vitro Evaluation of Commercial 99mTc Macroaggregated Albumin KitsRonald J. Callahan, Dennis P. Swanson, Neil A. Petry, Robert W. Beightol, Julienne Vaillancourt and Stephen C. DragotakesJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1986, 14 (4) 206-209;
Caranto, Restituto
- You have accessTechnical Aspects of a New Technique for Estimating Glomerular Filtration Rate Using Technetium-99m-DTPAKatherine L. Rowell, Frances N. Kontzen, Marian E. Stutzman, Restituto Caranto, James M. Barber, Charles D. Russell, Eva V. Dubovsky and Johnny W. ScottJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology December 1, 1986, 14 (4) 196-198;