More than 6,300 physicians, technologists, physicists, scientists, and exhibitors gathered at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging’s (SNMMI) 2012 annual meeting, held June 9–13 in Miami Beach, Florida. In addition to the more than 75 continuing education sessions, more than 2,000 scientific papers and posters were presented at the meeting and 168 companies were represented on the exhibit hall floor.
During the meeting, SNMTS—now the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Technologist Section (SNMMI-TS)—inducted new officers, who will serve through June 2013. Several technologists were also recognized for their outstanding contributions to nuclear medicine, molecular imaging, and the Society.
Norman Bolus, MSPH, MPH, CNMT, FSNMTS, editor of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology (JNMT), selected the following 3 research papers as JNMT’s “Best Papers for 2011.” The lead authors of their representatives received plaques, and the first and second place recipients received honoraria in a ceremony during the SNMMI-TS business meeting during the annual meeting.

Douglass Vines
First Place
Douglass C. Vines, David E. Green, Gen Kudo, and Harald Keller. Evaluation of mouse tail-vein injections both qualitatively and quantitatively on small-animal PET tail scans. J Nucl Med Technol. 2011;39:264–270.

Russell Folks
Second Place
Russell D. Folks, Daya Manatunga, Ernest V. Garcia, and Andrew T. Taylor. Automated patient motion detection and correction in dynamic renal scintigraphy. J Nucl Med Technol. 2011;39:131–139.

Berenice Perez-Lopez
Third Place
Berenice Perez-Lopez, Ivan Fabricio Vega-Gonzalez, Enrique Estrada-Lobato, J. Jesus Perez-Molina, Blanca Miriam Torres-Mendoza, and Luis Alberto Medina. Volume-of-interest assessment of oncologic response using F-18-FDG PET/CT: a phantom study. J Nucl Med Technol. 2011;39:14–18.
SNMMI-TS introduced a new slate of officers during the annual meeting. Brenda J. King, CNMT, FSNMTS, of Carson, California, consultant and owner of BJ King & Associates, LLC, has been elected as 2012–2013 president of SNMMI-TS.

Brenda King
“As SNMMI-TS president, I hope to rekindle a sense of pride for the career chosen by the imaging professional. At this time in particular, it’s critical that we think outside of the box to ensure our profession thrives,” said King. “I look forward to serving the SNMMI-TS members—listening to their concerns and addressing their needs as well as possible.”
During her term, King plans to seek collaborative partnerships with other professional societies—such those for imaging informatics, optical imaging and clinical research—to develop new career pathways for nuclear medicine technologists. She will also work with professional societies around the world to develop global partnerships that will benefit the profession. In addition, King will take steps to increase public awareness of the importance and necessity of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, putting a human face on the imaging modalities.
Also during the meeting, SNMMI-TS announced the election of Scott Holbrook, BS, CNMT, FSNMTS, a pharmaceutical research and regulatory affairs consultant at Invivo Molecular Imaging LLC from Gray, Tennessee, as the 2012–2013 president-elect of SNMMI-TS.

Scott Holbrook
“Our profession is at an important crossroads,” said Holbrook. “While advancements in instrumentation such as positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance and breast-specific gamma imaging and the development of new radiotracers will afford the membership new avenues for professional growth, we must do everything possible to prepare ourselves to be ready when called upon.”
Holbrook recognizes that socioeconomic factors are influencing the field as never before, with declining reimbursements, tremendous regulatory burden, international shortages of raw materials and products, and numerous other challenges. During his term, he will lead the society in advocating for the profession with regulatory agencies to ease unnecessary burdens associated with the field.
Other officers elected to SNMMI-TS include Sara Johnson, MBA, CNMT, NCT, as secretary, Kathy Krisak, CNMT, FSNMTS, as a member of the finance committee, and Frank Patrick, CNMT, as delegate-at-large.
Elizabeth Hackett, RT(N), PET, RT(CT), research manager for the Division of Translational Imaging at the New York State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University Medical Center, in New York, New York, was awarded the 2012 SNMMI-TS Outstanding Technologist Award. Hackett has been involved with the SNMMI-TS since 1997. An SNMMI-TS Leadership Academy alumnus, Hackett currently serves on the SNMMI-TS executive board and the NCOR, is chair of the professional development task force, and sits on the continuing education committee, membership committee, committee on chapters, and new professionals working group. Hackett is also the 2013 president-elect for the Greater New York Chapter–Technologist Section.

Anne Marie Alessi and Elizabeth Hackett
Hackett received her associate degree, with honors, in applied science in nuclear medicine technology at Ferris State University in 1997. She then attended Baker College and graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. She previously was a staff technologist at St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, as well as a research technologist at the Research Foundation for Mental Health/Columbia University in the Division of Translational Imaging.
David Gilmore, MS, CNMT, RT(N), FSNMTS, director of quality management and education at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, was awarded the SNMMI-TS Presidential Distinguished Service Award. This award recognizes an SNMMI-TS member who has demonstrated outstanding service and dedication to the field of nuclear medicine technology. Gilmore was presented with a plaque.

Anne Marie Alessi and David Gilmore
Gilmore received his bachelor of science in health sciences from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, and his master of science in education from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. His experience includes program development and administration, evaluation and counseling, curriculum development, and student-center teaching methods.
An SNMMI-TS member since 1994, Gilmore has served the society in many capacities—as president, president-elect, and chair of the transition task force, as well as on several other committees. He also has participated in the New England and Mid-Atlantic Chapters of the SNMMI-TS.
SNMMI-TS presented the 2012 Distinguished Service Award to Teresa Ellmer-Buckley, CNMT, senior nuclear medicine technologist at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC. Ellmer-Buckley attended the George Washington University Certified Nuclear Medicine Program and is currently enrolled at the University of Arkansas in the Nuclear Medicine Advanced Associate Program. Throughout her career, Ellmer-Buckley has served as a nuclear medicine technologist in several Washington, DC, area hospitals and private clinical settings.

Anne Marie Alessi and Teresa Ellmer-Buckley
An involved member of SNMMI-TS, Ellmer-Buckley currently serves on the board of directors of the Advanced Associates Council, on the executive committee of the professional development and education fund, as chair of the new professionals task force, and as a member of the advocacy committee and the professional development task force. She is also secretary for the Mid-Eastern Chapter of the SNMMI-TS.
The following individuals were inducted into the fellow category. These are members of the SNMMI-TS who have demonstrated leadership and have made a significant contribution to the profession of nuclear medicine technology at the national level. Selection of SNMMI-TS fellows is based on demonstration of exemplary contributions in the following areas: participation in professional activities, education, professional experience, professional contributions, and civic activities.
Fellowships are awarded at the SNMMI-TS annual business meeting each year during SNMMI’s annual meeting. SNMMI-TS fellowship awardees receive a memorial plaque and pin signifying their fellow status.
Norman E. Bolus, MSPH, MPH, CNMT, FSNMTS, serves as director of the Nuclear Medicine Technology Program and assistant professor in the Department of Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Health Professions. He received a bachelor of science degree in biology and in nuclear medicine technology, as well as a baccalaureate certificate of completion in nuclear medicine technology, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. This was followed by his master of public health in occupational health and safety at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Bolus has served SNMMI-TS in many capacities and currently is editor of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology.

Anne Marie Alessi and Norman Bolus
Jo Kathryn E. Hunt, MS, CNMT, FSNMTS, serves as assistant professor and program chair of nuclear medicine technology in the Division of Allied Health at Baptist College of Health Sciences in Memphis, Tennessee. She received a master of science degree in leadership and policy studies from the University of Memphis, a certificate in nuclear medicine technology from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee, and a bachelor’s degree in biology from Lambuth University in Jackson, Tennessee.

Anne Marie Alessi and Jo Kathryn Hunt
Hunt served as SNMMI-TS president in 2010–2011. Before becoming president, Hunt served on the SNMMI-TS executive board as member-at-large and secretary. She has held numerous committee appointments and was chair of the SNMMI-TS entry-level task force and of SNMMI-TS’s educator’s committee. She served as president of the SNMMI-TS Southeastern Chapter in 2006.
Sara G. Johnson, MBA, CNMT, RT(N), NCT, FSNMTS, research coordinator for nuclear medicine and staff nuclear medicine technologist with the VA San Diego Healthcare System, has over 27 years of nuclear medicine experience. She began her nuclear medicine career while on active duty with the U.S. Navy. After leaving the Navy, she was the founder and the first program director for the University of California San Diego Nuclear Medicine Technologist Program, where she was also the chief technologist. Johnson then went on to work in the commercial sector as a clinical specialist for Bristol Myers Squibb specializing in nuclear cardiology.

Sara Johnson
Johnson holds an associate degree in nuclear medicine technology from George Washington University, as well as a bachelor of science in business administration, a bachelor of arts in management, and a master of business administration from the University of Phoenix. Johnson is extensively involved with SNMMI-TS. She is the current secretary of the SNMMI-TS and serves as chair of the bylaws committee and sub-chair of the categorical SNMTS program committee. She is also immediate past president of the Pacific Southwest Technologist Section.
Eleanor S. Mantel, CNMT, NCT, RT(N), FSNMTS, serves as manager of nuclear medicine and clinical molecular imaging at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. She became a nuclear medicine technologist in 1994 and has played an active role in the SNMMI-TS. An alumnus of the first SNMNI-TS Leadership Academy, Mantel is the current chair of the technologist section membership committee and is past chair of the SNMMI-TS program committee. She is also past president of the Greater New York Chapter of the SNMMI-TS.

Anne Marie Alessi and Eleanor Mantel
Michele A. Panichi-Egberts, CNMT, FSNMTS, is a radiation safety officer for Nuclear Diagnostic Products of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She received her bachelor of science in biology with a minor in nuclear medicine technology from Millersville University. Panichi-Egberts began her career as a nuclear medicine technologist in the hospital setting, working at the James C. Giuffre Medical Center, Rancocas Valley Hospital, and West Jersey Health System. She then moved to the corporate field to serve as a radiation safety officer at Syncor International before assuming her current position.

Anne Marie Alessi and Michele Panichi-Egberts
Within SNMMI-TS, Panichi-Egberts has been a member of many committees. Currently, she is chair of the continuing education committee and technologist action group committee, as well a member of the advocacy, membership and government relations committees. She also serves on the VOICE continuing education review team.
Nancy M. Swanston, CNMT, RT(N), PET, FSNMTS, currently serves as manager in diagnostic imaging at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, managing all PET and PET/CT operations. Swanston has been with M.D. Anderson for over a decade. She has been a part of the SNMMI Learning Center as faculty since its inception and has lectured locally, regionally, and nationally for the society. She is the vice chair for abstracts for SNMMI’s scientific program committee and has been a member of various committees within the SNMMI.

Anne Marie Alessi and Nancy Swanston
Ann Marie Alessi, BS, CNMT, NCT, RT(N), was awarded the SNMMI-TS president’s plaque and gavel for her service as 2011–2012 president for the society. Alessi currently serves as product sales manager of nuclear medicine at Biodex Medical Systems, Inc., Shirley, New York.

Anne Marie Alessi and Brenda King
Since 1996, Alessi has served on numerous councils and committees for SNMMI-TS and has been involved with the organization on many levels throughout her career. She belongs to the Greater New York Chapter of SNMMI-TS and the Long Island Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology. She published four book chapters in the Nuclear Cardiology Technology Study Guide and has shared her knowledge in more than 50 invited speaker presentations.
Alessi has received many honors and awards for excellence in the field of nuclear medicine. She graduated as valedictorian of the nuclear medicine technology program at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Northport, New York, and is a retired first sergeant for the U.S. Army Reserves Medical Corp after serving for 24 years.
Technologist Oral Presentation Awards
First Place
Jessica Campbell, “Quantitatively accurate dynamic SPECT/CT acquisition: proof of concept in an anthropomorphic phantom.”
Second Place
Jose Gonzalez, “Identifying optimal SPECT acquisition for liver imaging using 99mTc-MAA.”
Third Place
Dawn Holley, “Variability and accuracy of two common CT vessel quantification techniques and comparison with pathology.”
Technologist Oral Cardiovascular Presentation Awards
First Place
James Logan, “Evaluation of cardiac misregistration correction software in PET/CT systems in the phase 3 clinical trial of flurpiridaz F18.”
Second Place
Adriana Ghilardi, “Evaluation of global and regional myocardial uptake of MIBG-I123 with multimodality acquisition.”
Third Place
Yuuki Tomiyama, “Errors in attenuation correction with ECG-gated myocardial PET/CT images: evaluation with phantom study.”
Technologist Oral Nuclear Oncology Presentation Award
First Place
Go Akamatsu, “The influences of point-spread-function and time-of-flight on SUV of lymph node metastasis in FDG-PET.”
Technologist Oral PET Presentation Award
First Place
Paula Barondess, “Simplified protocol for FDG-PET in patients with suspected cholecystitis: technical aspects.”
Technologist Poster Presentation Awards
First Place
Adam Brown, “Emergent PET-CT findings: can you make the right call?”
Second Place
Joseph Wieseler, “The significant impact of dedicated head and neck PET/CT imaging on standardized uptake values.”
Third Place
Norikazu Matsutomo, “Evaluation of myocardial perfusion imaging using multi-focus fan beam collimator technique in comparison with conventional SPECT.”
Student Oral Technologist Presentation Awards
First Place
Katie Tucker, “Review of the use of medium-energy collimators in I-123 imaging.”
Second Place
Chun Lai, “The benefits of gastrointestinal preparation for thyroid cancer patients in radioiodine imaging.”
Third Place
Kate Raplinger, “Effect of steroid use during chemotherapy on SUV levels in PET/CT.”
Student Nuclear Oncology Presentation Award
First Place
Kate Raplinger, Effect of steroid use during chemotherapy on SUV levels in PET/CT.”
Second Place
Ashley Huntley, “Comparison of bone scintigraphy and 11C-choline PET/CT scans in skeletal metastases from prostate cancer.”
Student Poster Technologist Presentation
First Place
Andrew Penso, “Is it diagnostically accurate to fuse a single CT image with both the rest and stress images in order to reduce scan lengths and radiation exposure to patients?”
Second Place
Shawn Boss, “Evaluation of scan registration algorithm in cardiac imaging with SPECT/CT.”
Third Place
Shekhar Sharma, “Fixed dose versus dosimetry based approach in radioiodine (131I) therapy of autonomously functioning thyroid nodule (AFTN): a randomized controlled trial in the Indian population.”
Nicollette Stenzel, “The effects of regadenoson infusion time on aminophylline usage.”
Kate Raplinger, “Effect of steroid use during chemotherapy on SUV levels in PET/CT.”
General Nuclear Medicine
Chin Lai, “The benefits of gastrointestinal preparation for thyroid cancer patients in radioiodine imaging.”
Radiation Safety and Patient Care
Daniel Tempesta, “Measuring residual radioactivity in syringes to determine if the 3-way stopcock injection method is more effective than the straight-stick method.”
Forest Hynes, “Radiochemical purity and stability of generic Tc-99m exametazime compared to Tc-99m Ceretec.”
Katie Tucker, “Review of the use of medium-energy collimators in I-123 imaging.”