Frances Neagley, CNMT, FSNMTS Editor, JNMT
I suppose most people would think that the hardest part of being an editor is getting all those manuscripts reviewed, but for me, it is writing the editorials. I have to write only 4 of them a year, and that shouldn't be the daunting task it is for me each time. I guess it is the working-in-a-vacuum thing.
I grew up in the letter-writing era and still have a great fondness for mail of any kind. The great thing (usually) about letter writing was that there was a good likelihood that I would get a letter in return. Of course, letter writing has very much given way to e-mail. Most people are pretty good about responding to e-mails, and there is some instant gratification to these exchanges. However, no matter how many editorials I write, I never get much of a response and that can be a bit discouraging.
This thought segues into thoughts of the annual meeting in New Orleans. I did get to see a lot of people whom I know and to meet quite a few new people. I attended the first-timers breakfast, and besides telling everyone about JNMT, I encouraged them to participate by submitting manuscripts or ideas. I attended several of the technologist scientific paper presentations and found many of them to be quite good. I handed out my cards and encouraged the technologists to write up their works for publication in JNMT. The enthusiasm of these younger technologists was especially refreshing. Now I am waiting to see if I hear from any of these contacts.
At the Tech Section business meeting, I gave out the awards for the best JNMT technologist submissions for 2007. There are pictures and a brief description of the ceremonies in the back of this issue, but my big thrill came from getting to meet and briefly speak to all 3 of the award winners. I really admire the work these technologists did and hope that they will continue to lead the way in supporting JNMT. Of course, I also hope they inspire other technologists to submit to JNMT.
We continue to try to do different things each year with JNMT. We are returning to the book review section this issue. I have asked Kathy Thomas, CNMT, FSNMTS, to be the book review editor. She will oversee the books accepted for review and the selection of reviewers. Because this new endeavor is so important and because I rely on Kathy for so many other associate editor consultations, I am hoping to add another associate editor as soon as the new SNMTS Publications Committee is formed and can approve my nominee.
Although this issue does present 2 continuing education articles, we do not have many other scientific articles. There are a number of manuscripts under review and I am really hoping to see some come in from the annual meeting in New Orleans. In the meantime, I am once again encouraging everyone to help me find prospective writers and reviewers. I am always available through the SNM office in Reston or at fneagley{at}pacbell.net.