The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, held June 3–7, 2006, in San Diego, CA, brought together technologists, physicians, and scientists from around the world for five days of information exchange, professional recognition, and camaraderie. During the meeting, the Technologist Section inducted new officers for the coming year, and a number of technologists were recognized for their contributions to nuclear medicine and the Technologist Section.
D. Scott Holbrook, BS, CNMT, RT(N), assumed the office of president during the business meeting of the SNMTS. “SNMTS recognizes the importance of developing the imaging specialists of the future,” said Holbrook, vice president of Clinical Pharmacy Services, an independent nuclear pharmacy in Gray, TN. “As president, I will focus on providing the necessary education and developing the highest standards in providing quality patient care.”
His tasks as SNMTS president will include stewardship of two initiatives supported by the Technologist Section: a baccalaureate degree entry-level requirement for technologists and the development of a master's degree–level nuclear medicine practitioner career path. “As SNMTS carries these two initiatives forward, we will continue to fight for the Consumer Assurance of Radiologic Excellence and RadCARE bills, which support federal minimum standards for nuclear medicine and radiologic technologists and radiation therapists,” he said. In addition, the SNMTS will continue to lobby on insurance coverage and reimbursement issues and for increased funding for key medical radioisotope production and basic science research at the Department of Energy.
Holbrook previously served as market development manager and territory manager for PETNET Pharmaceuticals (Knoxville, TN). A member of SNM's Mideastern Chapter, he is a founder of the SNMTS PET Learning Center and one of the original authors of the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board's PET exam, the Society's PET/CT consensus paper, and the SNM PET/CT guideline. He is the current vice chair …