The Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board presents Components of Preparedness Statements (COPS) to accompany its recently revised task list. The COPS expand the tasks identified as important to the practice of nuclear medicine technology. These tasks are developed through an extensive process called a task analysis, which is reviewed in the article. The COPS represent the final step in this process. The COPS presented in this special report complement the task analysis published in 2003.
The Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) prepares and administers examinations for nuclear medicine technologists. It currently offers 3 examinations: an entry-level examination and specialty examinations in PET and nuclear cardiology. The entry-level examination has been the major undertaking of the NMTCB since its inception in 1977, and the board continues to devote a considerable amount of effort to maintaining it as the premiere certification examination in the field.
The NMTCB’s entry-level examination is a criterion-referenced examination, meaning that the examinee must meet specific criteria to pass the examination. This may be contrasted to a norm-referenced examination, in which examinees are compared with each other (similar to a “curve” grading system). The criteria that must be met are determined by a process called task analysis. The major component of task analysis is a survey of practicing nuclear medicine technologists to determine what tasks constitute the current scope of practice for the field. Since the field of nuclear medicine is dynamic, the task analysis must be conducted in a set interval to capture the current procedures. The NMTCB has been conducting the task analysis every 5 y.
The most recent task analysis for the NMTCB’s entry-level examination was published in 2003 (1). The task list itself is brief, consisting of only 48 tasks, each stated succinctly. This list is the basis for the entry-level examination and is augmented by lists detailing the procedures, equipment, and pharmaceuticals to which the task list applies. Because the tasks are stated in such brief form, the NMTCB also provides Components of Preparedness Statements (COPS) to augment the task list. Each component of preparedness statement has 2 parts: the content base (knowledge applicable to the task) and the example objectives (examples of learning objectives for the task, given at 3 different levels). The most recent publication of the COPS was in 1999 (2); the publication of a new task list prompts this update.
A brief overview of the entire process is in order. Task analysis begins with an extensive list of tasks performed by nuclear medicine technologists. One way to create such a list is through a “Day in the Life” exercise, in which several nuclear medicine technologists write down everything they do in a day. This list of tasks, along with lists of procedures, equipment, and pharmaceuticals, forms the basis for the task analysis survey. It is important at this point that the list be as comprehensive as possible to get the best response from the survey. One can always group tasks together after the survey, but it is impossible to break a task into multiple tasks once the survey has been sent out.
The task analysis survey asks working technologists to rate each task according to how frequently the task is performed in their working situations. Directors of the NMTCB, acting as “experts,” rate the criticality of each task. Thus, each task has 2 ratings, one for frequency and one for criticality. These 2 ratings are combined using a statistical method called Kane weighting, and the extensive list of tasks can then be ordered from the most important to the least important. Working from this ordered list, the NMTCB Task Analysis Committee determines which tasks should be removed from the list and which tasks may be combined, based on the importance of each task and its Kane weighting. In the 2003 task analysis, the 66 tasks on the survey were winnowed to the 48 that made the final task list.
The questions that are found on the entry-level examinations are each tied to 1 of the 48 tasks. The task list is divided into 4 groups, and each group is assigned a percentage of the test questions, according to the expert opinion of the NMTCB Directors. The groups (with the percentage) are I, Radiation Safety (15%); II, Instrumentation (20%); III, Clinical Procedures (45%); and IV, Radiopharmacy (20%). Changing either the percentages or the number of subgroups has significant psychometric implications, so the NMTCB has chosen to maintain consistency in this aspect of the examinations.
The task list, therefore, forms the foundation for the entry-level examinations and is generally changed only after a task analysis survey is completed. Lists of procedures, equipment, and pharmaceuticals are also generated through the survey process (1). These lists may be changed on a more frequent basis, in order to keep up with changes in the field. For example, a newly Food and Drug administration (FDA)-approved radiopharmaceutical will be added to the pharmaceuticals list once it is commercially available. Because these lists are updated often, the most current reference for them is the NMTCB web site (www.nmtcb.org).
The task list is succinct and does not contain enough information to be useful as a study tool in and of itself. So the NMTCB has developed the COPS as a way to “flesh out” the task list. The content base spells out the concepts and factual information applicable to the task. The NMTCB entry-level examinations ask only items (individual multiple-choice questions) that are relevant to the practice of nuclear medicine technology, but often the examinee must draw on basic science knowledge. The content base attempts to delineate the basic science necessary for each task.
The example objectives are given at 3 taxonomic levels, based on the work of Bloom et al. (3). Taxonomic levels represent progressive stages of understanding; Bloom el al. identify 6 levels, but only the first 3 are applicable to multiple-choice examinations. Thus, example objectives are given at the taxonomic levels of comprehension, application, and analysis. These may be distinguished as follows:
Comprehension involves recall and a low level of understanding. It does not require the examinee to apply the knowledge in any way.
Application, as the word implies, involves applying the basic knowledge to a specific situation. Most mathematic calculations are found at this level, as are many “situational” questions. Application questions look forward and ask, “What should be done next?”
Analysis questions, on the other hand, look backward, to answer questions such as, “What was done incorrectly?” or “How can this error be repaired?” Analysis questions require the examinee to synthesize both comprehension and application into a plan of action.
The 48 tasks of the NMTCB’s task list are broadly stated, and each covers several topics that could be the basis for an examination item. The objectives under each taxonomic level are therefore specifically identified as examples, to emphasize that they are not all-encompassing.
The NMTCB’s intent in developing the COPS is to assist students and educators to prepare for the entry-level examination. The COPS are essential to the process of item writing as well. In the bigger picture, the COPS provide a statement of the scope of practice for nuclear medicine technology. Such statements take on more importance as the delineations between professions begin to blur. Take, for example, the recent PET/CT curriculum published by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists and Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologist Section. The NMTCB’s COPS were extensively used in defining the nuclear medicine knowledge base that must be demonstrated for a person not trained in nuclear medicine to become certified to perform PET procedures.
Publication of the COPS represents the last stage in the NMTCB’s cycle of task analysis. The COPS provide a statement of the knowledge base required for the practice of nuclear medicine technology. They are valuable not only to students and educators but also to the larger nuclear medicine community. The NMTCB is dedicated to maintaining the high quality of the entry-level examinations and views the COPS as an important aspect of that level of quality.
Group I: Radiation Safety Task 1: Post appropriate signs in designated areas to comply with NRC regulations.
Content base
NRC regulations
Restricted and unrestricted areas
Effective dose equivalent limits
Radiation surveys
Survey meters
Area monitoring
Radiation units
Inverse square law and shielding equation
Example: Identify appropriate signs for posting in designated radiation areas.
Example: Given a radiation measurement, calculate the area to be designated according to NRC regulations.
Example: Determine appropriateness of posted radiation signs.
Task 2: Prepare and package radioactive materials for transportation.
Content base
Regulatory requirements
Radiation surveys of packages
Survey meters
Well counters
Surface contamination limits
Shipping labels
Packaging types (materials)
Exempt quantities
Nonexempt quantities
Record keeping
Example: State the regulatory requirements for packaging and transporting radioactive materials.
Example: Based on exposure rate and activity, determine the appropriate shipping label for a quantity of radioactive material.
Analysis Example: Analyze consequences of improper packaging of radioactive materials and take appropriate actions.
Task 3: Use personal radiation monitoring devices.
Content base
NRC regulations
Effective dose equivalent limits
Monitoring requirements
Types, characteristics, and proper use of personnel monitoring devices
Properties of nuclear radiation
Radiation surveys
Area monitoring
Patient monitoring
Exposure limits
Hospitalized patients
Hospital personnel
General public
Record keeping
Example: Identify various personnel monitoring devices and explain their proper use.
Example: Determine appropriate patient monitoring devices given specific circumstances.
Example: Analyze personal monitoring results and recommend corrective action as needed.
Task 4: Review monthly personnel exposure records.
Content base
NRC regulations
Effective dose equivalent terms and limits
ALARA concepts
Properties of nuclear radiation
Absorbed dose units
Types, characteristics, and proper use of personnel monitoring devices
Record keeping
Example: State the total effective dose equivalent limit for radiation personnel.
Example: Examine monthly personnel exposure records for compliance with regulations.
Example: Analyze instances of increased radiation exposure and recommend measures to reduce or eliminate unnecessary exposure.
Task 5: Take appropriate measures to reduce radiation exposure.
Content base
NRC regulations
Effective dose equivalent limits
ALARA concepts
Shielding requirements
Properties of nuclear radiation
Radiation units
Biologic effects of radiation
Radiation protection techniques
Exposure rate calculations
Types and characteristics of personnel monitoring devices
Radiation surveys
Area monitoring
Patient monitoring
Record keeping
Example: Identify proper measures to reduce radiation levels and to keep exposure as low as reasonably achievable.
Example: Calculate changes in exposure rates resulting from use of radiation protection techniques.
Example: Examine instances of increased radiation levels and recommend measures to reduce them.
Task 6: Notify the appropriate authority of excessive radiation exposure.
Content base
NRC regulations
Acceptable ranges for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
Effective dose equivalent limits (TEDE, etc.)
Reporting procedures
Types and characteristics of personnel and patient monitoring devices
Radiation surveys
Survey meters
Area monitoring
Exposure rate calculations
Example: Identify unacceptable levels of radiation exposure and the appropriate authority to notify.
Example: Determine if excessive radiation exposure has occurred and select the appropriate authority to notify.
Example: Analyze instances of excessive exposure and recommend ways to reduce or eliminate unnecessary exposure.
Task 7: Notify the appropriate authority of misadministration.
Content base
Regulatory requirements
Recordable events
Medical events (reportable)
Reporting procedures
Nuclear medicine diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
Approved radiopharmaceuticals
Routes of administration
Activity ranges
Record keeping
Example: Identify a medical event and the appropriate authority to notify.
Example: Determine an acceptable dose range based on prescribed dose and NRC regulations.
Example: Analyze instances of medical or recordable events and recommend measures to prevent further occurrences.
Task 8: Utilize proper methods for the use and storage of radioactive materials.
Content base
Regulatory requirements
Characteristics of radioactive materials
Physical properties
Radiation emissions
Radiation protection techniques
Radioactive gases
Storage requirements of radioactive materials
Record keeping
Example: Identify proper handling and storage methods for radioactive materials.
Example: Determine if ventilation conditions are adequate for use of radioactive gases.
Example: Analyze circumstances contributing to special hazards associated with a given radioactive material and alter procedures appropriately.
Task 9: Instruct the patient, family, and staff in radiation safety precautions after the administration of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals.
Content base
NRC regulations
Biologic properties of radiopharmaceuticals
Radiation safety practices
Sodium 131I
Pure β-emitters
Communications skills
Patient and personnel monitoring
Record keeping
Example: Identify radiation safety precautions that should be conveyed to the patient, family, and staff after administration of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals.
Example: Determine the distance that others must maintain to limit radiation exposure to regulatory levels.
Example: Analyze circumstances contributing to radiation exposure following the administration of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals and recommend measures to minimize exposure to family and staff.
Task 10: Provide instruction on proper radiation emergency procedures.
Content base
NRC regulations
Radiation safety procedures
Management of radiation emergencies
Decontamination procedures
Operation of radiation detection devices
Example: Identify equipment required for dealing with a radiation emergency.
Example: Choose appropriate instructions to be followed in a radiation emergency situation until radiation personnel arrive.
Example: Analyze circumstances contributing to radiation exposure in a radiation emergency and recommend procedures to minimize exposure.
Task 11: Perform wipe tests and area radiation surveys.
Content base
NRC regulations
Properties of nuclear radiation
Radiation units
Survey instruments and well counters
Area monitoring
Area surveys
Wipe tests
Record keeping and frequency of required tests
Example: Identify the procedure for performing wipe tests.
Example: Perform area radiation surveys with appropriate survey instrument and frequency.
Example: Determine if survey or wipe test results exceed regulatory limits and initiate corrective action.
Task 12: Prepare, survey, and clean radiotherapy isolation room.
Content base
NRC regulations
Radiation safety procedures
Decontamination procedures
Area monitoring
Operation of radiation detection devices
Surveys and wipe tests
Radioactive waste storage and disposal
Record keeping
Example: Identify procedures for preventing contamination to contents and surfaces of a room that is to be used by a patient receiving a therapeutic radiopharmaceutical.
Example: Perform the required surveys and decontamination procedures before releasing the room for regular use.
Example: Assess situations and determine procedures to be followed for decontamination or storage of room contents used by a radiotherapy patient.
Task 13: Survey, inspect, and inventory incoming radioactive materials.
Content base
Regulatory requirements
Package monitoring requirements
Survey instruments
Survey methods
Wipe tests
Record keeping
Example: State limits for radiation levels on packages containing radioactive materials.
Example: Determine appropriate procedure for receiving packages containing radioactive materials.
Example: Determine if wipe tests and survey results of package meet regulatory requirements.
Task 14: Monitor and dispose of radioactive material.
Content base
Regulatory requirements
Disposal methods for radioactive liquids, solids, gases, and contaminated materials
Radiation safety procedures
Half-life calculations
Survey meters
Record keeping
Example: Identify disposal procedures for radioactive liquids, solids, gases, and contaminated materials.
Example: Based on the exposure rate and half-life, estimate the time after which a radioactive material may be disposed.
Example: Determine if materials can be removed from long-term radioactive storage and be disposed as regular or biohazardous trash.
Task 15: Use proper procedures for managing a radioactive spill.
Content base
NRC regulations
Radioactive spill management
Containment: major and minor spills
Trigger levels and monitoring methods
Radiation protection measures
Area decontamination procedures
Patient and personnel decontamination
Waste disposal
Example: Distinguish between minor and major spills of radioactive materials.
Example: Determine the appropriate procedures for containing and decontaminating a radioactive spill and for notifying the proper authority.
Example: Determine when a contaminated area can be returned to regular use.
Group II: Instrumentation
Task 16: Perform and evaluate quality control on a well counter or probe.
Content base
Basic electronics
Sodium iodide scintillation detector
System components
Performance characteristics
Quality control
Calibration procedures
γ-ray spectra and pulse height analysis
Energy resolution
Sensitivity and absolute efficiency
χ2 statistic
Record keeping
Example: Define background, sensitivity, energy resolution, and FWHM as they apply to a sodium iodide detector.
Example: Determine proper calibration and FWHM of a well counter or probe.
Example: Evaluate results of FWHM determination and χ2 test.
Task 17: Calibrate a scintillation camera.
Content base
Sodium iodide scintillation camera
Performance characteristics
Calibration procedures
γ-ray spectra and pulse height analysis
System sensitivity
Example: State the purpose of calibration of a scintillation camera.
Example: Determine the appropriate adjustment of the pulse height analyzer of a scintillation camera.
Example: Evaluate changes in system sensitivity of a scintillation camera and determine causes.
Task 18: Perform and evaluate field uniformity of a scintillation camera.
Content base
Scintillation camera
System components
Performance characteristics
Image recording equipment
Image quality
Record keeping
Example: Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic field uniformity procedures.
Example: Determine the field uniformity of a scintillation camera using images and computer analysis.
Example: Analyze field uniformity images and differentiate sources of nonuniformity.
Task 19: Perform and evaluate detector linearity and spatial resolution of a scintillation camera.
Content base
Scintillation camera
System components
Performance characteristics
Image quality
Quality control definitions and procedures
Spatial resolution
Record keeping
Example: State a procedure for determining the spatial resolution of a scintillation camera.
Example: Determine the linearity and spatial resolution of a scintillation camera.
Example: Analyze images for nonlinearity or loss of spatial resolution and determine the causes.
Task 20: Assess performance of image recording equipment.
Content base
Scintillation camera
System components
Multiformatter, CRT
Contrast and background controls
Gray and color scales
Matrix sizes
Video displays
Image recording devices
Quality control procedures
Photographic film
Film processing
Film processor quality control
Example: Identify components of the image recording equipment and state their functions.
Example: Determine performance of image recording equipment.
Example: Analyze images for proper performance of image recording equipment and assess cause of improper performance.
Task 21: Determine operational status of survey meter.
Content base
NRC regulations
Survey meter operation
Basic electronics
System components
Survey meter quality control
Radiation interactions and ranges
Record keeping
Example: State required quality control tests for survey meter and their frequency.
Example: Determine the operational status of a survey meter.
Example: Assess survey meter operation based on quality control results.
Task 22: Perform and evaluate dose calibrator accuracy, linearity, and geometry tests.
Content base
NRC regulations
Dose calibrator operation
Dose calibrator quality control
Record keeping
Example: Identify timing and record keeping required for dose calibrator accuracy, geometry, and linearity.
Example: Determine the response of a dose calibrator to different source geometries and calculate correction factors.
Example: Analyze accuracy and geometry test results and initiate corrective action as needed.
Task 23: Perform and evaluate dose calibrator constancy test.
Content base
NRC regulations
Dose calibrator operation
Dose calibrator quality control procedures
Record keeping
Example: Define constancy.
Example: Perform dose calibrator constancy check.
Example: Assess results of constancy check and dose calibrator performance and identify corrective action when necessary.
Task 24: Perform and evaluate quality control procedures for a SPECT camera.
Content base
SPECT camera
System components
Performance characteristics
SPECT quality control
Center of rotation
Field uniformity requirements
Pixel calibration
Phantom studies
Record keeping
Example: State the requirements for field uniformity for SPECT.
Example: Determine pixel size on a scintillation camera.
Example: Analyze COR test results and assess if corrections need to be made.
Task 25: Perform and evaluate quality control procedures for a PET system.
Content Base
PET system
System components
Application of corrections
Performance characteristics
PET quality control
Daily blank scan
Normalization scan
Record keeping
Appearance of artifacts
Example: Describe the application of normalization correction factors to PET images.
Example: Obtain a cross-calibration factor between the PET system and the dose calibrator.
Example: Analyze daily blank scans for artifacts.
Group III: Clinical Procedures
Task 26: Maintain and operate auxiliary equipment (as described in equipment list).
Content base
Theory of operation
Use in nuclear medicine procedures
Safety requirements
Quality control procedures
Example: Identify and state the proper procedure for use of auxiliary equipment required for imaging procedures.
Example: Determine appropriate procedures to maintain and operate auxiliary equipment.
Example: Troubleshoot problems with auxiliary equipment.
Task 27: Schedule patient studies, ensuring appropriate sequence of multiple procedures, and interact with staff regarding special orders.
Content base
Imaging and nonimaging procedures
Sequencing of procedures
Effective half-life
Energy ranges
Special orders
Dietary restrictions
Specimen collection
Radiologic contrast agents
Inventory controls
Communication skills
Example: Identify appropriate patient scheduling sequences and special orders for procedures.
Example: Determine the most appropriate and timely sequence for patient studies and any special orders required.
Example: Analyze patient scheduling difficulties and revise schedule accordingly.
Task 28: Receive patient and provide proper nursing care during nuclear medicine procedures.
Content base
Communication skills
Basic nursing procedures
Body mechanics
Vital signs
Infection control
First aid
Patient support devices
Intravenous lines/pumps
Foley catheter and drainage bag
ECG monitor
Example: State normal ranges for pulse, respirations, and blood pressure.
Example: Determine appropriate nursing care during procedure.
Example: Appraise a situation that requires nursing care be provided and determine the most appropriate action.
Task 29: Communicate effectively with patient, family, and staff.
Content base
Nuclear medicine
Patient history
Communication skills
Medical ethics
Legal aspects of communications
Example: Identify responsibilities of the technologist in maintaining effective communication with patients, family, and staff.
Example: Recommend appropriate instructions to be given to patients for a particular nuclear medicine procedure.
Example: Determine information that cannot be provided by a nuclear medicine technologist.
Task 30: Provide safe and sanitary conditions.
Content base
Body mechanics
Infection control/universal precautions
Use of nuclear medicine and auxiliary equipment
Waste disposal
Medical/legal aspects
Example: Identify methods to prevent the spread of infection.
Example: Determine appropriate methods for handling waste materials.
Example: Analyze a situation to determine if an unsafe condition exists and the appropriate action to be taken.
Task 31: Recognize and respond to emergency conditions.
Content base
Vital signs
Pulse rate
Respiratory rate
Blood pressure
Cardiopulmonary arrest
Anaphylactic and vasovagal reactions
First aid techniques and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Example: Describe symptoms of medical emergencies.
Example: Determine patient condition and initiate CPR or appropriate first aid measures.
Example: Assess an emergency condition and initiate appropriate action.
Task 32: Receive patient, verify patient identification and written orders for study, and follow up on inappropriate orders.
Content base
NRC regulations
Patient preparation
Medical/legal aspects
Communication skills
Nuclear medicine procedures
Patient preparation
Sequence of procedures
Record keeping
Example: Identify procedures for verifying patient identification and authenticating written orders for study.
Example: Determine appropriate methods for receiving patients and verifying readiness for study.
Example: Assess appropriateness of orders.
Task 33: Obtain pertinent patient history and check procedural contraindications.
Content base
Communication skills
Medical/legal aspects
Organs and organ systems
Medical and surgical interventions
Nuclear medicine procedures
Patient preparation
Patient history
Premedications and dietary restrictions
Radiopharmaceutical administration
Example: Identify contraindications for nuclear medicine procedures.
Example: Determine if interfering drugs have been stopped for a suitable length of time before study.
Example: Analyze consequences of administration of radiopharmaceuticals when contraindications exist.
Task 34: Prepare patient for procedure.
Content base
Communications skills
Procedural requirements
Hydration and excretion
Route of administration
Mechanisms of localization
Biologic and effective half-life
Blood clearance rates
Temporal relationship to other medications
Record keeping
Example: Identify sedatives that can be used for nuclear medicine procedures.
Example: Determine appropriate patient preparation for specific nuclear medicine procedures.
Example: Assess the consequences of premature or delayed imaging times and initiate corrective measures as appropriate.
Task 35: Select and administer the appropriate radiopharmaceutical by the proper route.
Content base
Nuclear medicine procedures and approved radiopharmaceuticals and dosages
Patient identification
Radiopharmaceutical administration
Approved routes
Aseptic technique
Bolus technique
Venipuncture supplies and techniques
Insertion and maintenance of indwelling intravenous line
Radiation biology and safety
Example: Identify the appropriate radiopharmaceuticals for nuclear medicine procedures and their routes of administration.
Example: Determine best site for intravenous line insertion.
Example: Assess radiation safety consequences of an incorrectly performed radiopharmaceutical administration and take corrective action if necessary.
Task 36: Prepare proper instrument, computer, and auxiliary equipment and acquire imaging procedures as indicated by protocol.
Content base
Nuclear medicine procedures and routine images
Patient positioning
Positioning terminology
Anatomic markers
Immobilization techniques
Imaging parameters for data acquisition
Collimator choices and zoom settings
Type of acquisition (static, dynamic, gated, SPECT, list mode)
Methods of image termination (time, total counts, information density)
Data storage mode (matrix size, byte vs. word mode)
Number of images in dataset
Auxiliary equipment operation
Example: Identify routine patient and camera positions for an imaging procedure.
Example: Determine the appropriate instrument, imaging and data acquisition parameters, and auxiliary equipment necessary to perform an imaging procedure according to protocol.
Example: Assess patient limitations and adapt protocols accordingly.
Task 37: Evaluate image appearance and perform any additional views as required.
Content base
Nuclear medicine procedures
Causes of altered biodistribution
Patient positioning
Positioning terminology
Anatomic markers
Quality control procedures
Example: Identify common artifacts that may appear on images.
Example: Recommend appropriate special views for an imaging procedure.
Example: Assess diagnostic images or computer information for technical quality and initiate corrective measures if appropriate.
Task 38: Process and evaluate computer-generated data.
Content base
Data storage, transfer, and retrieval
Image formation (static, dynamic, MUGA, list mode)
Image reconstruction (SPECT, PET)
Image enhancement
Exponential, logarithmic, and color scales
Matrix conversion
Quantitative analysis
Regions of interest and quantification
Curve generation and analysis
Image normalization and subtraction
Co-registration of image sets
Display formatting (size of image, number of images per film, intensity enhancement)
Quality control procedures
Example: Identify techniques to retrieve and process computer data.
Example: Determine the appropriate technique for quantitative analysis of a nuclear medicine study.
Example: Analyze computer-generated information for technical quality and artifacts and initiate corrective measures if appropriate.
Task 39: Prepare and perform cardiac monitoring or stress testing.
Content base
Nuclear cardiology procedures
Basic electrocardiography
Cardiac conduction system
The normal electrocardiogram
Basic ECG interpretation
ECG lead placement
3 lead
12 lead
Treadmill/bicycle stress techniques
Duration/termination parameters
Pharmacologic stress techniques
Pharmacologic stress agents
Duration/termination parameters
Drug side effects and appropriate treatment
Reversal agents and techniques
Vital signs
Pulse rate
Respiratory rate
Blood pressure
Signs/symptoms of adverse reactions
CPR techniques
Record keeping
Example: Identify components of a normal electrocardiogram and common arrhythmias.
Example: Determine the appropriate duration and termination parameters for a stress test.
Example: Assess a patient’s history for contraindications to stress testing.
Task 40: Prepare/administer interventional pharmacologic agent.
Content base
Nuclear medicine procedures
Approved interventional pharmacologic agents
Contraindications and precautions
Normal physiologic response
Adverse side effects and treatment
Antidote medications
Pharmaceutical administration
Approved routes
Aseptic technique
Administration and timing/speed/duration
Reversal agents and techniques
Vital signs
Pulse rate
Respiratory rate
Blood pressure
Adverse reactions
Emergency techniques
Record keeping
Example: Identify dosage, timing, and speed of dose administration for nuclear medicine procedures requiring pharmacologic intervention.
Example: Determine whether the patient’s history identifies possible contraindications for the use of particular interventional agents.
Example: Assess whether a patient is having an adverse reaction to a particular interventional agent and determine appropriate action to be taken.
Task 41: Obtain samples or data for nonimaging studies.
Content base
Nuclear medicine procedures
Collection techniques for patient specimen
Methods and containers
Hematocrit determination
Standard dilution preparation
Specimen preparation
Counting statistics and background correction
External counting techniques
Example: Identify type of specimen required for a given procedure and describe specimen collection, preparation, and storage procedures.
Example: Determine the appropriate dilution of a standard for a given procedure and calculate the amount of sample and solvent required.
Example: Evaluate specimen quality and obtain new specimen if necessary.
Task 42: Calculate and evaluate results of nonimaging studies.
Content base
Nuclear medicine procedures
Error analysis
Sources of random error
Sources of systematic error
Procedure-specific sources of error
Graphing techniques
Data presentation
Derivation of appropriate patient values
Patient records and reports
Medical/legal considerations
Instrument quality control procedures
Example: Identify formula or graphing technique required to calculate results of a nonimaging procedure.
Example: Determine final results of a given nonimaging procedure using the appropriate formulae or graphing technique.
Example: Analyze data to differentiate acceptable from unacceptable data and determine source of error.
Group IV: Radiopharmacy Task 43: Elute radionuclide generator, perform, and evaluate quality control tests.
Content base
Types of generators
Generator yield–volume and activity
Aseptic techniques
Regulatory requirements
Dose calibrator operation/units of radioactivity
99Mo and Al3+ breakthrough testing
Record keeping
Example: Identify methods used to assay generator eluate and information that must appear on the label.
Example: Elute generator using proper shielding and aseptic techniques.
Example: Assess radionuclidic and chemical purity of eluate and determine methods to minimize contamination.
Task 44: Review the daily work schedule to plan radiopharmaceutical needs.
Content base
Patient scheduling
Nuclear medicine procedures
Appropriate radiopharmaceuticals and activity ranges
Time interval between radiopharmaceutical administration and procedure
Activity and volume limits
Effect of radioactive decay
Shelf life
Record keeping
Example: Identify the radiopharmaceutical and activity required for each procedure.
Example: Determine radiopharmaceutical needs to complete daily work schedule based on shelf life and decay.
Example: Adjust daily work schedule or radiopharmaceutical kit preparation to use available radiopharmaceutical inventory effectively.
Task 45: Prepare radiopharmaceutical kits, perform quality control, and evaluate results.
Content base
Radiopharmaceutical kits
Preparation techniques
Activity and volume limitations
Activity calculations
Radiopharmaceutical quality control
Visual inspection: color and clarity
Microscopic inspection: particle size
Radiochemical purity
Dose calibrator operation and units of activity
Regulatory requirements
Label contents
Radiopharmaceutical name
Expiration date/time
Total activity
Assay time and date
Storage of kits before and after reconstitution
Record keeping
Example: Define radiochemical purity and state acceptable limits of impurities.
Example: Determine total volume and radioactivity to be added to a radiopharmaceutical kit to be within stated limits.
Example: Analyze circumstances leading to improper particle size, color, or clarity of a radiopharmaceutical and assess whether patients or nuclear medicine procedures would be adversely affected.
Task 46: Prepare and dispense diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals.
Content base
Units of activity and decay calculations
Vial/syringe label contents
Date and time of preparation
Radiopharmaceutical identity and lot number
Total volume and activity
Specific activity or concentration
Nuclear medicine procedures and acceptable radioactivity ranges
Dose calculations, including pediatric doses and unit dose adjustments
Aseptic technique
Dose calibrator operation
Administration of radiopharmaceutical dose
Operation of radioactive gas/aerosol administration equipment
Record keeping
Example: Identify required written records for radiopharmaceutical preparation and administration and the length of time these records must be kept.
Example: Calculate activity, volume, or number of capsules to be administered for a specific procedure.
Example: Determine adjustments to a unit dose volume to allow use of the dose before the calibration time.
Task 47: Prepare and dispense therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals.
Content base
Total quality management/written directive
Units of activity and decay calculations
Vial/dose container label contents
Date and time of administration
Radiopharmaceutical identity and lot number
Total activity
Total volume
Specific activity/concentration
Aseptic technique
Radiation safety precautions
Dose calibrator operation
Administration of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals
Record keeping
Example: State the regulations on misadministration of a therapeutic radiopharmaceutical.
Example: Determine the procedure to withdraw an accurate volume of radiopharmaceutical into a syringe using aseptic technique and radiation safety precautions.
Example: Analyze circumstances leading to a misadministration and recommend corrective action.
Task 48: Label blood components with a radiopharmaceutical according to protocol for procedure.
Content base
Labeling procedure
Required laboratory equipment and supplies
Anticoagulants and other additives
Chemical reactions
Cell washing
Radiopharmaceuticals required
Aseptic technique
Centrifuge operation
Calculation of labeling efficiency and administered dosage
Determination of cell viability
Record keeping
Example: Identify appropriate blood components, equipment, and supplies necessary to label cells with a radiopharmaceutical.
Example: Determine appropriate procedure for labeling blood cells with a given radiopharmaceutical.
Example: Analyze adequacy of cell labeling using viability studies or image quality.
For correspondence or reprints contact: Jennifer L. Prekeges, MS, CNMT, 16701 Corliss Pl. N., Shoreline, WA 98133.
E-mail: jennifer{at}prekeges.com