The JRCNMT held its semiannual meeting April 4–5, 2003, in Tucson, AZ. The Board of Directors:
Granted continued recognition status to:
Jackson Memorial Medical Center, Miami, FL
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA
Granted an initial recognition status to:
Kaiser Permanente School of Allied Health Sciences, Richmond, CA
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL
Jameson Health System, New Castle, PA
Baylor Medical Center, Dallas, TX.
In addition the Board of Directors approved 49 personnel changes and 12 program changes and considered 16 midcycle reports and 14 progress reports. Twenty-nine major clinical affiliates and 8 minor clinical affiliates were approved for 11 programs.
The Review Committee will schedule site visits to 11 programs seeking continued accreditation during 2003. The Board is currently working with 7 programs seeking initial accreditation. A list of programs undergoing review for the year 2003 is appended at the end of this article. Written third party testimony may be submitted regarding any nuclear medicine technology program undergoing review. Persons desiring to present third-party oral testimony must submit a written request. Third-party testimony, written and oral, must be limited to the educational program’s compliance with the Essentials and Guidelines for an Accredited Educational Program for the Nuclear Medicine Technologist.
The spring meeting of the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology will be held October 9–11, 2003, in Salt Lake City, UT.
The proposed revision of the Essentials and Guidelines for an Accredited Educa-tional Program for the Nuclear Medicine Technologist was distributed to all program directors and the sponsoring organizations and was published by the Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology (J Nuc Med Tech. 2003;33:42–55). The Board reviewed the additional comments received regarding the proposed revision. Changes have been incorporated into a final revision of the document that will be sent to the sponsoring organizations for approval. Anyone who would like a copy of the latest revision may contact the office.
The JRCNMT is seeking qualified candidates to participate in site evaluations of nuclear medicine technology programs. General information regarding the criteria, qualifications, and process for the selection of on-site evaluators follows. Interested persons should contact the office to request applications forms.
Guidelines for JRCNMT Site Evaluators
Criteria for Site Evaluators
Site evaluator candidates should be knowledgeable about postsecondary education methodology and the profession of nuclear medicine technology.
Site evaluator candidates should:
Understand varying institutional missions and concomitant environments;
Appreciate differing educational levels of programs;
Be cognizant and respectful of institutional prerogatives; and
Be skilled in interview techniques and report writing.
The candidate should have a minimum of 5 years experience practicing nuclear medicine or nuclear medicine technology, or experience teaching nuclear medicine technology.
Site evaluator candidates must be credentialed in nuclear medicine technology by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists or the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board or be a diplomate of either the American Board of Nuclear Medicine or Radiology or demon-strate, by their degrees and experience, knowledge of education methodology for health related professions.
The candidate may be nominated by one of the JRCNMT sponsoring organizations, the Review Committee, or an active site evaluator.
The candidate shall submit a brief resume of activities related to nuclear medicine technology, nuclear medicine, or his/her teaching experience.
The candidate shall provide documentation of appropriate credentials.
The candidate shall provide a letter of recommendation from either the person or organization that nominated him/her.
The Board of Directors of the JRCNMT shall review all recommendations for site evaluators. After the semiannual meeting at which action is taken, the candidate shall be notified of the result.
If selected, the candidate shall complete site visitor training. The training will include review of the Manual of Program Evaluation Procedures and the self-study and evaluation forms.
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
Jefferson Community College, Louisville KY
Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI
St. Mary’s Univiversity of Minnesota, Winona, MN
State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY
University of North Carolina Hospitals, Chapel Hill, NC
St. Elizabeth Hospital Medical Center, Youngstown, OH
Cedar Crest College, Allentown, PA
Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, WV
Contact the JRCNMT at #1 Second Avenue East, Suite C, Polson, MT 59860-2320; 406-883-0003;