Table of Contents
March 1, 1988; Volume 16,Issue 1
Ballinger, James R.
- You have accessImproved Modification for In Vitro Labeling of Red Blood Cells with Technetium-99mBonny Gerson, James R. Ballinger and Karen Y. GulenchynJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology March 1, 1988, 16 (1) 9-11;
Carichner, Sandra
- You have accessThe Whole Body Bone Scan? Case ReportConrad E. Nagle, Shamil J. Morayati, Sandra Carichner, Beverly Winkes, Renee Cassisi, Rosemarie McGraw and Evelyn SchaneJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology March 1, 1988, 16 (1) 15-16;
Cassisi, Renee
- You have accessThe Whole Body Bone Scan? Case ReportConrad E. Nagle, Shamil J. Morayati, Sandra Carichner, Beverly Winkes, Renee Cassisi, Rosemarie McGraw and Evelyn SchaneJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology March 1, 1988, 16 (1) 15-16;
Cherico, Vincent V.
- You have accessPharmacologic Reactions in Interventional Nuclear MedicineVincent V. Cherico and Stephan I. FraterJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology March 1, 1988, 16 (1) 39-41;
Christian, Paul E.
- You have accessREVIEW OF QUALITY CONTROL IN NUCLEAR MEDICINEPaul E. ChristianJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology March 1, 1988, 16 (1) 42;
Conrad, Gary R.
- You have accessRadiopharmaceutical Inventory and Dispensing System Based Upon a Hand-Held ComputerBruce H. Mock and Gary R. ConradJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology March 1, 1988, 16 (1) 21-24;
Donovan, Barbara C.
- You have accessPatient Management of Pulmonary EmbolismDiane L. Gilworth, Barbara C. Donovan, Ruth Morrison, Kathleen Ryan, Kathleen Reagan and Samuel Z. GoldhaberJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology March 1, 1988, 16 (1) 33-36;
Drew, Helen M.
- You have accessNMTCB ReportHelen M. DrewJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology March 1, 1988, 16 (1) 45;
Driedger, Albert A.
- You have accessBolus Injections of Measured Amounts of RadioactivityCarl A. Wesolowski, Peter Hogendoorn, Richard Vandierendonck and Albert A. DriedgerJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology March 1, 1988, 16 (1) 1-4;
Frater, Stephan I.
- You have accessPharmacologic Reactions in Interventional Nuclear MedicineVincent V. Cherico and Stephan I. FraterJournal of Nuclear Medicine Technology March 1, 1988, 16 (1) 39-41;