CDC’s PPE Donning and Doffing Recommendations ( 12 )

DonningSelect appropriate PPE for patient interaction
Perform hand hygiene using 60%–95% alcohol-based hand rub
Put on isolation gown and tie all gown ties; put on NIOSH-approved N95 FFR or face mask if N95 is not available
Put on face shield or goggles
Put on gloves
Enter patient room or initiate care procedure
DoffingRemove gloves
Remove gown
Exit patient room or care procedure area; perform hand hygiene using 60%–95% alcohol-based hand rub
Remove face shield or goggles
Remove and discard face mask or FFR
Perform hand hygiene after removing FFR/face mask and before putting on again if facility practicing equipment reuses
  • NIOSH = National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.