Radiation Dosimetry for Adults

RadiopharmaceuticalsAdministered activity (MBq [mCi])Organ Receiving largest radiation dose (mGy/MBq [rad/mCi])Effective dose (mSv/MBq [rem/mCi])
18F-FDG370–740 intravenously (1020)0.15 bladder wall (0.56)0.019 (0.07)
Na123I iodide (0% thyroid uptake)74–148 by mouth (24)0.097 bladder wall (0.36)0.010 (0.039)
Na131I iodide (0% thyroid uptake)37–148 by mouth (14)0.66 bladder wall (2.4)0.058 (0.21)
  • Accessed August 18, 2020.

  • International Commission on Radiological Protection. Radiation Doses to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals. New York, NY: Elsevier. 2008.

  • Delbeke D, Coleman RE, Guiberteau MJ, et al. Procedure guideline for tumor imaging with 18F-FDG PET/CT 1.0. J Nucl Med 2006;47:885–895.