Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

InclusionIndication for 18F-FDG PET/CT
 Characterization of solitary pulmonary nodule
 Staging of non–small cell lung carcinoma
 Definition of biologic target volume for radiotherapy
Patients able to maintain supine position for 60 min
Age ≥ 18 y
WHO status ≤ 1
Well-informed written consent
ExclusionLung tumor histology with classically low 18F-FDG avidity (bronchial carcinoid; lepidic and mucinous adenocarcinoma)
Infectious or any other active severe bronchopneumopathy, respiratory pain, or distress; alteration in vital parameters; pneumothorax, peripheral lung biopsy or puncture, or hemoptysis within previous month
Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, or breast feeding
  • WHO = World Health Organization.