Summary of Nonstochastic (Deterministic) Effects (5)

HematologicDose: Approximately 1–10 Gy (100–1,000 rad)
Clinical symptoms: General injury of blood-forming cells in bone marrow, which increases with increasing dose, leading to pancytopenia. This results in bleeding, anemia, hemorrhage, malaise, and severe, often fatal, infection.
 0–1 Gy (0–100 rad)—Reassurance
 1–2 Gy (100–200 rad)—Reassurance and hematologic surveillance
 2–6 Gy (200–600 rad)—Blood transfusion and antibiotics
 6–10 Gy (600–1,000 rad)—Consider bone marrow transplant
Without treatment, no one has survived a single abrupt dose of 5 Gy (500 rad) or higher. It is possible to survive the hematologic syndrome with a bone marrow transplant, but at higher doses all subjects will die from the gastrointestinal syndrome.
GastrointestinalDose: Approximately 2–50 Gy (200–5,000 rad)
Clinical symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; prolonged diarrhea; dehydration; electrolyte imbalance; lethargy; anorexia; death above 10 Gy (1,000 rad) with no treatment.
 2–6 Gy (200–600 rad)—Blood transfusion and antibiotics
 6–10 Gy (600–1,000 rad)—Consider bone marrow transplant
 10–50 Gy (1,000–5,000 rad)—Maintenance of electrolyte balance
At about 2 Gy (200 rad), classic radiation sickness (nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) may begin because of radiation injury to the gastric and intestinal mucosa.
Central nervous systemDose: >50 Gy (>5,000 rad)
Clinical symptoms: Ataxia, convulsions, lethargy, coma, death
Treatment: Sedatives