Image Errors on Planar and SPECT Studies

Minor findingMajor finding
Missing labels: directional, study, view, imagePatient identification missing or incorrect
Study-specific parameters missing (e.g., time or % of gastric-emptying meal consumed)Dynamic study acquired incorrectly; flow study not done, missed, early, or late
Processing forms or worksheets missing or incompleteWrong collimator used; study not interpretable
Date of study missing or incorrectIncorrect isotope window used; study not interpretable
Region of interest too large, too small, or mislocated but does not cause incorrect interpretationArea of interest out of camera field of view (poor positioning)
Generated data missing or not labeled correctlyRegion of interest too large, too small, or mislocated and causes incorrect interpretation
Type of camera system not recorded on imagesStudy processed incorrectly, with incorrect data or results
Technologist initials missing from imagesData incorrectly calculated (wrong formula used)
Camera failure; patient moved to other systemIncorrect notations: directional, study, view, image labels, if they contribute to incorrect study interpretation
Restarting of camera or computer requiredFurosemide or cholecystokinin not administered at correct time
Study modification not recorded (e.g., patient inability to comply)Equipment failure; study cannot be performed for patient who has been dosed
Images acquired in wrong projection