Total Gastrointestinal Transit Time for Each Subject

Subject no.SymptomsTransit timeGastric emptying result
 1None21 h 30 min
 2None22 h 18 min
 3None13 h 0 min
 4None7 h 0 min
 Average15 h 57 min*
 1Constipation43 h 33 min
 3Constipation46 h 46 min
 4Constipation21 h 39 minNormal
 5Diarrhea21 h 39 minNormal
 6Constipation67 h 43 minNormal
 7Constipation46 h 21 minNormal
 8Constipation26 h 2 minAccelerated
 9Constipation9 h 50 minDelayed
 Average40 h 45 min
  • * May be artificially low since volunteer 4 drank several cups of coffee after swallowing device.

  • May be artificially low since patient 9 had 3 bowel movements after last imaging session showing device.