The Scoring System

C1Display of lymphatic vesselsVisible entirely (extending to pelvis)0
Visible partially3
Not visible10
C2Pattern of lymphatic vesselsStraight with ordinary course0
Straight with abnormal course3
Tortuous/prominent with some points of ordinary course3
Tortuous/prominent with some points of abnormal course5
C3Uptake in inguinal nodesUptake before stress0
Uptake after stress1
No uptake at third hour10
C4Uptake in pelvic nodesUptake0
No uptake5
C5Uptake in lumbar nodesUptake0
No uptake5
C6Uptake in leg nodes outside vessel: foot, knee, lower leg, thighNo uptake0
C7Focal accumulationNo focal accumulation0
Focal accumulation, increasing with time10
C8Dermal backflowNo dermal backflow0
Dermal backflow10