Clinical and Pathologic Details of the 2 Patients

Age (y)SexDiagnosisUrine examinationUTIHIVOther infection siteOn antibiotics
63FT1 pathologic fracture + UTITurbid/cloudy, protein > 300 mg/dL, specific gravity < 1.01, WBC/HP > 5, RBC/HP > 3, bacteria/μL > 230++
67MWidespread bone and lymph node metastases from unknown primary tumor + UTITurbid/cloudy, WBC/HP > 5, RBC/HP > 3, bacteria/μL > 230+Lung+
  • UTI = urinary tract infection; + = present; − = absent; WBC = white blood cell; HP = high-power field; RBC = red blood cell;