Patients with Language or Cultural Barrier

Major themeSubtheme% (normalized to major theme)
3.1: Method of questioning (91%)3.11: Use interpreter/translator67
3.12: Use visual aids27
3.13: Speak slowly1
3.14: If cultural barrier, use female staff2
3.15: Same for all female patients2
3.16: Do not ask<1
3.2: Pregnancy testing (4%)3.21: Pregnancy test40
3.22: Serum human chorionic gonadotropin47
3.23: Urine13
3.3: Unable to determine (4%)3.31: Consult with doctor38
3.32: Postpone scan if patient does not understand62
3.4: Determining risk of pregnancy (1%)3.41: Question regarding LMP50
3.42: Question regarding contraception25
3.43: Question regarding sexual activity25