Ventilation, Perfusion, and Radiographic Interpretive Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism

PIOPEDModified PIOPED IIPerfusion-only modified PIOPED IIPerfusion-only PISAPED
High LRHigh LRPE presentPE present
>2 large mismatched (V:Q) segmental defects*≥2 large mismatched (V:Q) segmental defects*≥2 large mismatched (Q:CXR) segmental defects*≥1 wedge-shaped Q defects
Borderline high LR
2 large mismatched (V:Q) segmental defects*
Intermediate LRNondiagnosticNondiagnosticNondiagnostic
2 moderate or 1 large mismatched (V:Q) defect*Difficult to categorize as high or lowAll other findingsAll other findingsCannot classify as PE-present or PE-absent
Borderline low LR
1 matched (V:Q) defect, CXR-negative
Low LR
Nonsegmental perfusion defects
Q defect substantially < CXR defect
Matched (V:Q) defects, CXR-negativeAny number of small Q defects*
NormalVery low LRPE absentPE absent
No Q defectsNonsegmentalQ defect < CXR lesion1–3 small segmental* defectsSolitary matched (V:Q:CXR) defect (≤1 segment) in mid or upper lungStripe signSolitary large pleural effusion§≥2 matched (V:Q) defects, regionally normal CXRVery low probabilityNonsegmentalQ defect < CXR lesion1–3 small segmental* defectsSolitary matched (Q:CXR) defect (≤1 segment) in mid or upper lungStripe signSolitary large pleural effusion§Non–wedge-shaped Q defectContour defect caused by enlarged heart, mediastinum, or diaphragmNear-normal QNormal Q
No Q defects
  • * Or equivalent where large segmental defect, >75% of segment, equals 1 segmental equivalent; moderate defect, 25%–75% of segment, equals 0.5 segmental equivalent; small defect, <25%, is not counted.

  • For example, prominent hilum, cardiomegaly, elevated diaphragm, linear atelectasis, or costophrenic angle effusion with no other perfusion defect in either lung and no other radiographic lesion.

  • Peripheral perfusion in a defect (best seen on tangential view).

  • § Pleural effusion in at least one third of pleural cavity, with no other perfusion defect in either lung.

  • Perfusion defects exactly match shape of CXR.

  • V:Q = ventilation–perfusion; CXR = chest radiograph; PE = pulmonary embolism; LR = likelihood ratio.