Correlations Among Relative Lateral Wall Counts and Misalignments at Left Heart Border and Top of Right Hemidiaphragm

Counts in lateral wall relative to septum vs. misalignment at left heart border
  Using average counts per pixel within region of interest−0.450.01
  Using maximum counts per pixel within region of interest−0.52<0.01
  Using average counts per pixel within region of interest−0.260.14
  Using maximum counts per pixel within region of interest−0.430.02
Misalignment at left heart border vs. misalignment at top of right hemidiaphragm
Counts in lateral wall relative to septum vs. misalignment at top of right hemidiaphragm
  Using average counts per pixel within region of interest−0.140.45
  Using maximum counts per pixel within region of interest−0.040.84
  Using average counts per pixel within region of interest−0.090.63
  Using maximum counts per pixel within region of interest−0.130.49