Three-Factor Solution Shows Highest Loading (>0.30) Elements for Each Factor

1: Treat others professionally and ethically
3V: Value profession and its aims and goals0.69
1M: Enthusiastic and knowledgeable about MRS0.61
2M: Motivated to help others0.560.32
10N: Does not show disregard for others0.540.42
6N: Does not manipulate others for own benefit0.51
1V: Sensitive to beliefs and values of others0.51
3Q: Empathy0.480.30
2V: Respect others—nonjudgmental0.470.41
4V: A sense of the ethical0.46
1Q: People person (not object person)0.46
2: To engage with and be open to others
6Q: Able to receive feedback from others0.65
7Q: Able to accept other points of view0.62
5Q: Self-reflective0.62
7N: Questions principles but not antiauthority0.52
9N: Can take advice, accept change0.51
8N: Not arrogant, patronizing0.47
10Q: Can cope with stress0.470.37
3: Problem-solving ability
4A: Creative ability—to think laterally0.62
7A: Critical thinking0.58
5A: Generate and consider different solutions0.57
3A: Problem-solving skills0.56
10A: Arithmetic ability/mathematic logic0.340.53
8A: Able to physically handle technologies and machinery0.52
9A: Able to manage conflict0.430.47
  • Loadings < 0.30 are not shown.