18F-FDG PET in Surgical Management of Patients with Colorectal Cancer

StudyNo. of patientsChange in management
Beets et al. (25)14/23Avoided surgery in 6 patients
Showed pelvic recurrence in 1 patient with rising carcinoembryonic antigen level
Excluded pelvic recurrence in 3 patients
Correctly depicted pelvic recurrence in 4 patients with equivocal findings on CT
Ogunbiyi et al. (24)10/58Detected multiple hepatic lesions
Schiepers et al. (54)11/76Detected 14 unexpected new lesions outside liver in 10 patients
Found primary breast cancer in 1 patient
Valk et al. (23)25/78Resulted in per-patient savings of $3,003