Effective Dose and BERT

Radioactive agentUnit effective dose* (mSv/MBq)Administered activity (MBq)Effective doseBERT
51Cr-red blood cells2.6 × 10−15.5 1.46 mo
18F-FDG3.0 × 10−2185  (brain)5.61.9 y
67Ga-citrate1.1 × 10−1185  (infection)20.46.8 y
370  (tumors)40.713.6 y
111In-DTPA4.1 × 10−224  (cerebral spinal fluid)1.04 mo
111In-white blood cells6.4 × 10−125 16.05.3 y
123I-hippuran2.4 × 10−275 1.87 mo
123I-sodium iodide (25% uptake)1.2 × 10−110 1.25 mo
125I-fibrinogen6.45.5 35.211.7 y
131I-sodium iodide (25% uptake)6.50.4 2.610 mo
131I-MIBG2.1 × 10−118 3.81.3 y
99mTc-bone agent6.1 × 10−31110 6.82.3 y
99mTc-DIPIDA/HIDA2.5 × 10−2185 4.61.5 y
99mTc-DTPA8.2 × 10−3555  (brain)4.61.5 y
370  (renal)3.01 y
99mTc-DTPA aerosol6.1 × 10−3185  (lung)1.15 mo
99mTc-DMSA1.6 × 10−2185  (renal)3.01 y
99mTc-ECD1.1 × 10−2740  (brain)8.12.7 y
99mTc-glucoheptonate1.0 × 10−2100  (renal)1.04 mo
99mTc-HMPAO WBCs2.0 × 10−2400 8.02.7 y
99mTc-HMPAO1.4 × 10−21110  (brain)15.55.2 y
99mTc-MAA1.3 × 10−2185  (lung)2.410 mo
99mTc-MAG31.2 × 10−2185  (renal)2.29 mo
99mTc-Na pertechnetate1.1 × 10−2111  (thyroid)1.25 mo
225  (Meckel’s diverticulum)2.510 mo
99mTc-pyrophosphate6.0 × 10−31000 6.02 y
99mTc-MIBI1.5 × 10−21110  (cardiac)15.55.2 y
1110  (scintimammography)15.55.2 y
740  (parathyroid)11.13.7 y
99mTc-RBCs7.3 × 10−3740  (cardiovascular study)5.41.8 y
In vitro labeling900  (gastrointestinal)6.62.2 y
99mTc-sulfur colloid1.4 × 10−2400  (bone marrow)5.61.9 y
140  (liver)2.08 mo
99mTc-sulfur colloid aerosol5.5 × 10−31000  (lung)5.51.8 y
201Tl-chloride1.6 × 10−1140  (cardiac)22.47.5 y
133Xe inhalation (5 min)7.6 × 10−4555  (lung)0.42 mo
  • * Available in (7).

  • Dose currently used at the London Health Science Center, Ontario, Canada.

  • Assumed annual natural background radiation of 3 mSv.