Selected Free-Text Responses to Survey Question 10 (“If You Have Other Opinions About Your Recent MBI Examination, Please Share Them Here”)
Experience | Comment |
Positive | It is very comfortable, and wonderful to have the television distraction. |
MBI is pretty easy; you get to sit and watch television while the examination is going on. I don’t mind having it done at all. With dense breast I like having additional screening done. | |
Staff was pleasant and did great job during examination and in trying to make me as comfortable as possible during examination. | |
Last MBI scan was so comfortable, I almost fell asleep. | |
Overall good experience. Appreciated warm blanket and back support with pillow. Nice to have television. Excellent tech. | |
I want to commend the young woman who was tasked with positioning me for this test. She was very sensitive to my comfort, apologized for all the maneuvering but was thorough in her work. She did a great job! | |
I felt nuclear medicine tech was courteous, did a nice job of instructing me as to what she needed from me for positioning, etc., was responsive to my questions about the procedure and tracer, and interacted with me in an interested, positive manner. | |
I liked it better than a mammogram. | |
It was great. I would gladly stop doing mammograms if that was an option and replace it with MBI. | |
Mixed | Examination was slightly uncomfortable but very manageable. Person who did it made experience comfortable. |
I would still get these examinations even though they are uncomfortable because I value the outcome of these examinations in health prevention. | |
I believe any discomfort I had was due to length of time sitting still during examination. Being able to stretch a little helped. | |
Length of compression is worst part, because tightness is less than regular mammogram. Technician was very good, respectful, and compassionate. Some of the discomfort is due to the masking requirements, as it is difficult to breathe when you’re jammed against a machine with your breast squeezed for 10 min at time! Television was a huge help in passing time—great idea. | |
Compression from MBI was fine; it was the chair that was uncomfortable and the time involved in an awkward position; to have a place to rest your head would help. Otherwise, no complaints. The television was nice. | |
Negative | I recommend ordering chairs that move more easily for technologists. It seemed like an athletic feat for them to position me correctly. I felt bad for all of their twisting, pushing, and propping. |