Comparison of Percentage Error Between Hypoperfusion Region in Each Disease Group and Same Region in Reference Group for ChangAC Applying μopt-Value of 0.140 and ChangACSC Applying μopt-Value of 0.160

DiseaseBrain regionSideDiseaseReferencePDiseaseReferenceP
ADPosterior cingulate gyrusR0.55 ± 3.49−0.71 ± 3.040.34−3.71 ± 2.78−1.76 ± 5.720.14
L0.52 ± 3.440.17 ± 2.480.83−4.85 ± 4.19−1.97 ± 5.750.13
Medial temporal lobeR3.00 ± 3.325.82 ± 4.760.08−0.55 ± 4.361.89 ± 6.260.23
L4.83 ± 3.386.95 ± ± 3.643.51 ± 6.570.83
DLBOccipital lobeR−4.24 ± 3.38−4.33 ± 2.570.89−7.82 ± 5.09−7.47 ± 4.970.69
L−3.33 ± 2.96−2.89 ± 3.100.64−7.03 ± 4.64−6.33 ± 3.660.44
FTLDFrontal lobeR−3.29 ± 4.34−3.79 ± 1.410.85−5.15 ± 6.02−5.26 ± 0.860.80
L−0.09 ± 4.45−1.39 ± 2.050.56−1.76 ± 6.75−2.89 ± 4.250.84
Temporal lobeR−2.70 ± 3.48−3.43 ± 3.160.59−5.98 ± 4.51−1.45 ± 4.660.88
L1.64 ± 3.301.27 ± 3.260.70−1.45 ± 4.66−1.88 ± 4.890.88
MSA-CCerebellumR−1.11 ± 5.51−0.13 ± 3.400.69−6.05 ± 9.54−8.79 ± 4.630.45
L0.66 ± 5.832.32 ± 3.710.36−3.70 ± 9.93−6.62 ± 4.760.72
  • AD = Alzheimer disease; DLB = dementia with Lewy bodies; FTLD = frontotemporal lobar degeneration; MSA-C = multiple system atrophy of cerebellar type.

  • Data are mean ± SD.