RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Influence of a Headrest on Reconstruction and Attenuation Correction of Human Brain SPECT Images JF Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology JO J. Nucl. Med. Technol. FD Society of Nuclear Medicine SP 54 OP 57 DO 10.2967/jnmt.120.244731 VO 49 IS 1 A1 Ohba, Makoto A1 Kokubo, Yasuaki A1 Suzuki, Koji A1 Kanoto, Masafumi A1 Sonoda, Yukihiko YR 2021 UL http://tech.snmjournals.org/content/49/1/54.abstract AB Previous reports suggest that a headrest significantly influences anterior and posterior cerebral blood flow. The present study aimed to clarify the influence of a headrest on reconstruction and attenuation correction (AC) of brain SPECT images. Methods: We evaluated the influence on cerebral blood flow in the anterior region (brain segments A + B), middle region (segments D + F), and posterior region (segment G) of the brain using filtered backprojection–AC based on the method of Chang (FBP-ChangAC), ordered-subset expectation maximization–ChangAC (OSEM-ChangAC), OSEM CT-based AC (OSEM-CTAC), and OSEM with no attenuation correction (OSEM-NoAC) with and without a headrest. The subjects were 17 healthy volunteers who underwent 99mTc-ECD SPECT. We compared the A + B/G and the D + F/G ratios of 99mTc-ECD SPECT images in each group. Results: For FBP-ChangAC, OSEM-ChangAC, and OSEM-NoAC, there were significant differences in A + B/G ratio between images obtained with a headrest and those obtained without. On the other hand, for OSEM-CTAC, there were no significant differences in A + B/G ratio regardless of whether a headrest was used. For FBP-ChangAC and OSEM-NoAC, there were significant differences in D + F/G ratio between images with a headrest and those without. For OSEM-CTAC and OSEM-ChangAC, there were no significant differences in D + F/G ratio regardless of whether a headrest was used. Conclusion: The influence of a headrest on image reconstruction and AC should be considered if FBP-ChangAC, OSEM-ChangAC, or OSEM-NoAC is used but not if OSEM-CTAC is used.