PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Ohba, Makoto AU - Kokubo, Yasuaki AU - Suzuki, Koji AU - Kanoto, Masafumi AU - Sonoda, Yukihiko TI - Influence of a Headrest on Reconstruction and Attenuation Correction of Human Brain SPECT Images AID - 10.2967/jnmt.120.244731 DP - 2021 Mar 01 TA - Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology PG - 54--57 VI - 49 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - J. Nucl. Med. Technol.2021 Mar 01; 49 AB - Previous reports suggest that a headrest significantly influences anterior and posterior cerebral blood flow. The present study aimed to clarify the influence of a headrest on reconstruction and attenuation correction (AC) of brain SPECT images. Methods: We evaluated the influence on cerebral blood flow in the anterior region (brain segments A + B), middle region (segments D + F), and posterior region (segment G) of the brain using filtered backprojection–AC based on the method of Chang (FBP-ChangAC), ordered-subset expectation maximization–ChangAC (OSEM-ChangAC), OSEM CT-based AC (OSEM-CTAC), and OSEM with no attenuation correction (OSEM-NoAC) with and without a headrest. The subjects were 17 healthy volunteers who underwent 99mTc-ECD SPECT. We compared the A + B/G and the D + F/G ratios of 99mTc-ECD SPECT images in each group. Results: For FBP-ChangAC, OSEM-ChangAC, and OSEM-NoAC, there were significant differences in A + B/G ratio between images obtained with a headrest and those obtained without. On the other hand, for OSEM-CTAC, there were no significant differences in A + B/G ratio regardless of whether a headrest was used. For FBP-ChangAC and OSEM-NoAC, there were significant differences in D + F/G ratio between images with a headrest and those without. For OSEM-CTAC and OSEM-ChangAC, there were no significant differences in D + F/G ratio regardless of whether a headrest was used. Conclusion: The influence of a headrest on image reconstruction and AC should be considered if FBP-ChangAC, OSEM-ChangAC, or OSEM-NoAC is used but not if OSEM-CTAC is used.