PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Kachiengá, M O AU - Boonzaier, D AU - Fataar, A B AU - Boniaszczuk, J AU - Boltman, G TI - Assessing the use of nuclear medicine technology in sub-Saharan Africa: the essential equipment list. DP - 1999 Mar 01 TA - Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology PG - 62--66 VI - 27 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - J. Nucl. Med. Technol.1999 Mar 01; 27 AB - The primary aim of the survey was to determine the core equipment required in a nuclear medicine department in public hospitals in Kenya and South Africa, and evaluate the capital investment requirements.Physical site audits of equipment and direct interviews of medical and clinical engineering professionals were performed, as well as examination of tender and purchase documents, maintenance payment receipts, and other relevant documents. Originally, 10 public hospitals were selected: 6 referral and 4 teaching hospitals. The 6 referral hospitals were excluded from the survey due to lack of essential documents and records on equipment. The medical and technical staff from these hospitals were, however, interviewed on equipment usage and technical constraints. Data collection was done on-site and counter-checked against documents provided by the hospital administration.A list of essential equipment for a nuclear medicine department in sub-Saharan Africa was identified. Quotations for equipment were provided by all major equipment suppliers, local and international.A nuclear medicine department requires eight essential pieces of equipment to operate in sub-Saharan Africa. Two additional items are desirable but not essential.