RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Simple Elution Aid for Multiple, Fractionated, and Partial Elution of 99mTc JF Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology JO J. Nucl. Med. Technol. FD Society of Nuclear Medicine SP 86 OP 88 VO 33 IS 2 A1 Mushtaq, Ahmad A1 Haider, Ibrar YR 2005 UL http://tech.snmjournals.org/content/33/2/86.abstract AB Objective: 99mTc obtained from 99Mo/99mTc generators is playing a key role in the majority of diagnostic scans performed in the world today. The availability of 99mTc can be increased if it is separated from 99Mo after much shorter growth times (multiple elution). Fractionated elution may provide a high concentration of 99mTc, whereas partial elution will help reduce doses to nuclear medicine staff members. An “elution aid” apparatus facilitating accurate elution was devised and tested. Methods: The elution aid consists of a 1-L bottle of physiologic saline connected to a measuring cylinder/graduated column (20 mL) by the flow regulator of an infusion kit. The lower end of the measuring cylinder is connected by Tygon tubing to the spike of a 99Mo/99mTc generator. The desired volume of saline is added to the measuring cylinder with the help of the flow regulator. Using an evacuated collecting vial, the eluent is sucked through the alumina column to obtain sodium pertechnetate solution. Results: With this simple device, 2- to 20-mL volumes were easily collected. The elution aid, once connected to the generator, provided regular, partial-time elution and fractionated volumes over the whole useful life of the generator. Conclusion: A simple aid for elution of 99mTc from 2-vial–based 99Mo/99mTc generators has been devised. Any desired volume of saline can be passed through the alumina column of the generator for the elution of Na99mTcO4. The elution aid works efficiently for the whole useful life of a generator.