RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Visualization in the Ipsilateral Lymph Nodes Secondary to Extravasation of a Bone-Imaging Agent in the Left Hand: A Case Report JF Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology JO J. Nucl. Med. Technol. FD Society of Nuclear Medicine SP 154 OP 155 VO 29 IS 3 A1 Shih, Wei-Jen A1 Collins, Judy A1 Kiefer, Vickie YR 2001 UL http://tech.snmjournals.org/content/29/3/154.abstract AB Axillary or elbow lymph node visualization after subcutaneous infiltration of the bone-imaging agent on a routine bone scintigraphy has been reported. The prostate cancer patient in this case report underwent bone scintigraphy; in 3-h bone images, the lymph nodes in the wrist, elbow, and axillary regions were simultaneously visualized. This was caused by extravasation of the intravenous injection of bone-imaging agent in the dorsal part of the patient’s hand.