RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 The Use of Integrative Leadership in Providing Excellent Patient Care While Overcoming Hospital Challenges JF Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology JO J. Nucl. Med. Technol. FD Society of Nuclear Medicine SP 93 OP 96 DO 10.2967/jnmt.118.219212 VO 47 IS 2 A1 Bolin, Julie D. YR 2019 UL http://tech.snmjournals.org/content/47/2/93.abstract AB Effective leadership in the health-care setting is vital for delivering effective and efficient patient care while meeting organizational and departmental challenges. Hospitals face unique obstacles relating to regulation and accreditation, process inefficiencies, aging or difficult-to-treat patients, allocation of resources, and patient satisfaction. This article describes the characteristics of a leader, integrative leadership in the health-care setting, and ways to engage coworkers in solving complex health-care problems.