RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 A Bridge Not Too Far: Linking Disciplines Through Molecular Imaging Probes JF Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology JO J. Nucl. Med. Technol. FD Society of Nuclear Medicine SP 173 OP 183 DO 10.2967/jnumed.109.068312 VO 44 IS 3 A1 Valliant, John F. YR 2016 UL http://tech.snmjournals.org/content/44/3/173.abstract AB The field of nuclear medicine will rely increasingly on the discovery, proper evaluation, and clinical use of molecular imaging probes and on collaborations. Collaborations will include new initiatives among experts already involved in the field and with researchers, technologists, and clinicians from different areas of science and medicine. This article serves to highlight some of the opportunities in which molecular imaging and nuclear medicine in conjunction with probe development, new imaging technologies, and multidisciplinary collaborations can have a significant impact on health care and basic science from the perspective of a person involved in probe development. The article emphasizes breast cancer, but the concepts are readily applied to other areas of medicine and medical research.