RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Quality Improvements Through Direct Patient Pretest Communication JF Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology JO J. Nucl. Med. Technol. FD Society of Nuclear Medicine SP 91 OP 92 VO 23 IS 2 A1 Kuhn, Stephen A. A1 Stuyvesant, Karen E. YR 1995 UL http://tech.snmjournals.org/content/23/2/91.abstract AB Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to improve the quality of nuclear medicine testing, reduce waste of materials and personnel time, and increase rapport with patients by assuring that test information is provided to them prior to the scheduled examination. Methods: A pilot study was conducted to communicate test information directly to outpatients. Telephone calls were made to outpatients on the days immediately prior to their scheduled tests. This contact was used to verify the appointment time and date, ensure that the patient was aware of the proper dietary instructions and any medication restrictions, and to provide basic test information requested by the patient. Results: Direct outpatient pretest contacts detected many conditions that would have been problems if not corrected before the arrival of the patient in the nuclear medicine department. In a review of 1378 outpatient telephone contacts, a total of 78 problems was identified that would have affected the efficiency and/or the quality of the examination. Conclusions: Using direct patient pretest communication is an effective way to detect problems, improve test quality, establish professional credibility with patients and prevent test postponements and cancelations due to contraindications of diet, medications or physical constraints.