RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Practical methods for reducing radioactive contamination incidents in the nuclear cardiology laboratory. JF Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology JO J. Nucl. Med. Technol. FD Society of Nuclear Medicine SP 287 OP 289 VO 27 IS 4 A1 Mosman, E A A1 Peterson, L J A1 Hung, J C A1 Gibbons, R J YR 1999 UL http://tech.snmjournals.org/content/27/4/287.abstract AB The purpose of this study was to determine the extent and cause of radioactive contamination in our nuclear cardiology laboratory, and to develop possible solutions to minimize future occurrence.We conducted a retrospective review to determine the underlying causes of the 15 minor radioactive contamination events that have occurred in the exercise areas of our laboratory since 1986. Of the 15 documented events, 8 were caused by failure of intravenous apparatus and 7 were due to syringe mishandling. Based on a staff questionnaire, we determined the most prevalent causes of radioactive contamination. Other than problems associated with intravenous setup, the causes were lack of experience by the individual performing the injection, followed closely by radioactive syringe disposal problems, injection technique, and unclear designation of duties during the exercise procedure.Based on these findings, we formulated a 4-part plan: a training program; a closely inspected intravenous apparatus; a mobile radioactive waste container; and a clear designation of duties for personnel to be included in the exercise procedure protocol.We have implemented a sensible and practical plan for reducing radioactive contamination, which is currently being evaluated.