PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Crawford, Elpida AU - Carlson, Linda TI - Difficulty and Controversy in Training NMT Students in In Vitro Techniques DP - 1995 Dec 01 TA - Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology PG - 291--298 VI - 23 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - J. Nucl. Med. Technol.1995 Dec 01; 23 AB - Objective: In vitro nuclear medicine training is a requirement in the Essentials and Guidelines for an accredited nuclear medicine technology (NMT) training program. The guidelines are somewhat vague as to how this training should be accomplished. Our goal was to determine how other NMT programs were fulfilling the in vitro techniques training requirement. Methods: A survey was developed and sent to 121 accredited NMT programs in the US. Results: Didactic instruction provided ranges from 2–90 hr. Benchwork experience varies from 0–240 hr. Although the majority of programs provide didactic instruction and bench-work experience, it is often done with difficulty. Conclusions: Considering the disparate results and survey comments, the accrediting agency needs to review and clarity the need for this curriculum essential.