RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Components of Preparedness: A Study Tool for the NMTCB Examination JF Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology JO J. Nucl. Med. Technol. FD Society of Nuclear Medicine SP 79 OP 92 VO 22 IS 2 A1 Steves, Ann M. A1 Blondeau, Karen L. A1 Pickett, Martha W. YR 1994 UL http://tech.snmjournals.org/content/22/2/79.abstract AB Objective: Preparedness is vital for the successful completion of the NMTCB examination. Methods: The NMTCB has developed a set of statements called the Components of Preparedness (COP) that are designed to provide additional information about examination content. The COP statement for each task in the 1991 validated task analysis includes a definition of the content base, the knowledge required to perform the task and one or more taxonomy levels. The validated task analysis appears in an earlier JNMT article. Results: Three taxonomy levels are defined that are used to assess the examinee’s intellectual preparedness to practice entry-level nuclear medicine technology. Conclusion: By testing an examinee’s various levels of understanding, the NMTCB hopes to ensure the quality of certified nuclear medicine technologists and maintain the highest standards possible.