PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE ED - Society of Nuclear Medicine TI - NMTCB Task Analysis of Nuclear Medicine Technology DP - 1979 Jun 01 TA - Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology PG - 102--107 VI - 7 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J. Nucl. Med. Technol.1979 Jun 01; 7 AB - Job relatedness is the basis upon which the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board developed its entry-level competence examination. In order to ensure job relatedness, this task analysis was derived by the Board with input from practicing technologists across the country. It is intended as a broad outline of the tasks that are performed in the clinical setting by a competent technologist. The examination content is based upon the tasks enumerated and the implied skill and knowledge necessary to perform those tasks. This task analysis will constantly evolve as the field of nuclear medicine continues to change. As new technologies are incorporated into routine practice, the task analysis will be modified to reflect those changes. The NMTCB always welcomes comment and input regarding the task analysis. Comments should be forwarded to the NMTCB office in Stone Mountain, GA.