PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Spicer, Jay A. AU - Phelps, M. Randell AU - Leary, Michele AU - Callahan, Linda AU - Rhodes, Buck A. TI - Optimization of Radiopharmacy by Redesign DP - 1977 Jun 01 TA - Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology PG - 90--93 VI - 5 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J. Nucl. Med. Technol.1977 Jun 01; 5 AB - The increased emphasis on radiopharmaceutical quality and the increase in the volume of patient examinations has necessitated the redesign of the physical and operational structure of our radiopharmacy. Changes in the physical structure included (A) the addition of a lead-lined wall, (B) construction of a lead-lined storage cabinet, (C) design and construction of a portable cabinet for the dose calibrator, records, and inventory sheets, and (D) a laminar flow hood. Operational changes included (A) the development of a rapid quality control chromatography system, (B) establishment of a permanent quality control record book, and (C) addition of a color-coded labeling system. Redesign has improved the quality of radiopharmaceutical dispensing, cell labeling, and quality control. Structural design was accomplished utilizing the existing floor space and at a relatively reasonable cost.