PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Gentry, Charisse AU - Malek-Ahmadi, Michael AU - Bolas, Susan AU - Pena, Jose TI - PET Imaging in Alzheimer Disease: Pathology and Research Insights for Technologists AID - 10.2967/jnmt.124.268916 DP - 2024 Dec 01 TA - Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology PG - 306--311 VI - 52 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - J. Nucl. Med. Technol.2024 Dec 01; 52 AB - Alzheimer disease (AD) is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and is projected to affect over 13 million people by the year 2060. Although there is currently no cure for AD, disease-modifying treatments that target amyloid plaques have recently been approved for use. The advent of PET tracers that can reliably detect the presence of cortical amyloid plaques and tau pathologies has allowed researchers and clinicians to identify individuals who have pathologic markers of AD before the onset of cognitive decline. Although these tracers have been widely used in research settings for some time, they are now on the verge of being used to aid clinicians in the differential diagnosis of AD. As the use of these tracers increases, technologists will need to be educated on the best practices and potential problems they may encounter in their clinical populations. This article will review the available tracers for amyloid and tau PET scans and educate technologists about the most important practices and procedures that can be implemented to ensure patient safety and the capture of high-quality scans.