RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Subcentimeter Tumor Lesion Delineation for High-Resolution 18F-FDG PET Images: Optimizing Correction for Partial-Volume Effects JF Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology JO J. Nucl. Med. Technol. FD Society of Nuclear Medicine SP 85 OP 91 DO 10.2967/jnmt.112.117234 VO 41 IS 2 A1 Wallstén, Elin A1 Axelsson, Jan A1 Sundström, Torbjörn A1 Riklund, Katrine A1 Larsson, Anne YR 2013 UL http://tech.snmjournals.org/content/41/2/85.abstract AB In PET, partial-volume effects cause errors in estimation of size and activity for small objects with radiopharmaceutical uptake. Recent methods for image reconstruction, compared with traditional reconstruction techniques, include algorithms for resolution recovery that result in images with higher resolution and enable quantification of size and activity of smaller objects. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a combination of 2 algorithms for volume delineation and partial-volume correction on uptake volumes smaller than 0.7 mL using image reconstruction algorithms with and without resolution recovery. Methods: Volumes of interests (VOIs) were delineated using a threshold intensity calculated as a weighted sum of tumor and background intensities. These VOIs were used for calculating correction factors by convolving a tumor mask with the system point-spread function. The methods algorithms were evaluated using a phantom constructed from 5 small different-sized balloons filled with 18F-FDG in background activity. Six different backgrounds were used. Data were acquired using a PET/CT scanner, and the images were reconstructed using 2 iterative algorithms, one of which used a resolution recovery algorithm. Results: For the images reconstructed using the resolution recovery algorithm, the method for volume delineation resulted in VOI sizes that were correct within 1 SD for all balloons of a volume of 0.35 mL (equivalent diameter, 8.8 mm) and larger, in all backgrounds. For the images reconstructed without resolution recovery, the VOI sizes were background-dependent and generally less accurate. Correct volume delineations generally led to accurate activity estimates. Conclusion: The algorithms tested on the phantom developed for this study could, for this PET camera and these reconstruction algorithms, be used for accurate volume delineation and activity quantification of lesions 0.35 mL and larger.