Many groups have reported the adsorption or retention of 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals on injection vials and disposable plastic syringes. Such an enormously high loss of radioactivity would result in poor images, radiation exposure, waste, and economic burdens. We therefore decided to investigate the extent of adsorption or retention of several 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals on injection vials, rubber stoppers, and plastic syringes. These radiopharmaceuticals are produced as lyophilized kits in our department and supplied to various hospitals practicing nuclear medicine in Pakistan. Methods: A vial containing lyophilized material was reconstituted with 3 mL of freshly eluted Na99mTcO4. A 1-mL aliquot of the resulting solution was withdrawn into a syringe at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 3, and 5 h after preparation. All preparations were stored at room temperature (∼22°C). After each withdrawal, the vial was reweighed and the activity remaining in the vial was measured using a radioisotope calibrator. The sample was reinjected into the vial. From the original weight and activity of solution in the vial, the initial activity per gram was calculated. From the weight and activity remaining in the vial after withdrawal of the sample, the activity per gram of the sample was calculated. From the difference between the initial activity per gram and the activity per gram of the sample, the percentage of 99mTc adsorbed on the vial was calculated. All preparations were kept in the syringe for 15 min, and the activity was measured before and after the syringe was emptied. The needle and plunger of the syringe were separated, and activity in the needle and plunger was also measured. Results: The labeling efficiency of all radiopharmaceuticals used during these studies was more than 95%. In most cases, the activity of 99mTc found on the rubber stopper was less than 1%. Adsorption of 99mTc onto vials increased gradually with storage time. Adsorption was minimal at the initial stages, whereas maximum retention was noted after 5 h. Nearly 5% adsorption of activity was observed after 5 h of storage time on vials of sestamibi, mercaptoacetyltriglycine, dextran, ciprofloxacin, and dimercaptosuccinic acid (III and V). Retention of activity on needles ranged from 1% to 2% for all preparations studied. Plungers did not show any significant retention of radioactivity; in most cases, retention was less than 0.5%. The maximum retention of radioactivity on plastic syringe bodies was more than 3% for sestamibi, dimercaptosuccinic acid, dextran, pyrophosphate, and phytate. Conclusion: The results revealed that losses of radioactivity from 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals in these objects (glass vial, rubber stopper, plastic syringes, plungers, and needles) are not alarming in our setup.
The physical and biologic properties of 99mTc make it an ideal radioisotope for scintigraphy. A wide variety of radiopharmaceuticals are being prepared from generator-produced 99mTc for scanning of different organs. By far the greatest numbers of preparations are those associated with kits. A radiopharmaceutical kit may be defined as a prepacked set of sterile ingredients that have undergone full quality assurance checks by the manufacturer. Containers for injectable preparations are made from materials that are sufficiently transparent to permit visual inspection of the contents and that do not diffuse into the preparation, causing deterioration, or introduce foreign substances into the preparation. The bottle or vial is made of glass. Glass vials are fitted with suitable closures, which ensure a good seal, prevent contamination, and permit withdrawal of a portion of the contents without removal of the closure. The rubber of which the closure is composed must be compatible with the preparation and be sufficiently firm and elastic to allow passage of a needle with minimal shedding of particles and to ensure that the puncture is resealed when the needle is withdrawn. In hospitals, radiopharmaceuticals are prepared from kits simply by injecting sodium pertechnetate solution into the vial of lyophilized reagent. The compound forms almost instantaneously. Occasionally, a boiling step is necessary. It is common practice to dispense radiopharmaceuticals into empty sterile vials for dispatch to the departments where they are to be administered. Disposable (single-use) plastic syringes are routinely used to administer 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals to patients for imaging. The dose should be enough to provide an adequate study yet be consistent with “as low as reasonably achievable” principles and should be measured by a radioactivity calibration system immediately before being administered to the patient. Some groups have already reported the adsorption of various radiopharmaceuticals onto glass vials and single-use plastic syringes. Adhesion of various colloids on glass vials was investigated by Elliott et al. (1) and Porter et al. (2). The adsorption behavior of some radiopharmaceuticals on glass vials has been studied (3,4). The adsorption of 99mTc-methylene diphosphonate, 99mTc-sestamibi, 99mTc-tetrofosmin, 99mTc-furifosmin, and 99mTc-macroaggregated albumin on plastic syringes has also been reported (5,6).
The Kit Production Group at the Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH) manufactures a large number of cold kits for 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals for use in nuclear medical centers in different parts of Pakistan. Hence, compatibility between vials and radiopharmaceuticals was investigated. Adsorption of 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals onto the disposable syringes generally used for administration at medical centers was also studied.
All kits were products of the Kit Production Group of PINSTECH. Most of the precursors for these kits are purchased from commercial suppliers, whereas diisopropyl iminodiacetic acid, exametazime, mercaptoacetyltriglycine, and sestamibi are synthesized and characterized locally. 99mTc was obtained from a locally produced fission-based PAKGEN 99Mo/99mTc generator (PINSTECH). All chemicals were of analytic reagent grade and purchased from E. Merck. Ascending paper chromatography was performed using Whatman paper (no. 1 or 3), and instant thin-layer chromatography silica gel strips were obtained from Gelman Sciences. The distribution of radioactivity on chromatographic strips was measured using a 2π scanner (Berthold), or the strips were cut into 1-cm segments and counted in a γ-counter. The activity of the 99mTc was measured using a dose calibrator (Capintec). The disposable plastic syringes were the products of 3 different commercial manufacturers (Becton Dickinson Worldwide, Inc. [syringe A]; Safti syringes, Zafra International, Ltd., in collaboration with Boin Medica Co., Ltd. [syringe B]; and Shandong Qiaopai Group Co., Ltd. [syringe C]), and the injection vials and rubber stoppers were purchased from SCHOTT Glass Malaysia and Helvoet Pharma, respectively. All 3 types of syringes were 2.5 mL.
To study the rate of adsorption of 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals onto vials, we prepared all radiopharmaceuticals using standard labeling techniques (7–9). The vial containing lyophilized material was reconstituted with 3 mL of freshly eluted Na99mTcO4. All preparations were stored at room temperature (∼22°C). At 0.25, 0.5, 1, 3, and 5 h after reconstitution, the following procedure was adopted to measure the degree of radioactivity adhesion in vials. The vial was weighed, and the 99mTc activity was measured using a dose calibrator. A 1-mL sample of the solution in the vial was withdrawn into a syringe. The vial was reweighed, and the activity remaining in the vial was measured. The sample was reinjected into the vial. From the original weight and activity of the solution in the vial, the initial activity per gram was calculated. From the weight and activity remaining in the vial after withdrawal of the sample, the activity per gram of sample was calculated. From the difference between the initial activity per gram and the activity per gram of sample, the percentage of 99mTc adsorbed onto the vial was calculated. All experiments were performed on 3 separate occasions.
To study the adsorption of 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals onto the disposable plastic syringes, we kept all preparations in the syringe for 15 min and measured the activity before and after emptying the syringe. The needle and plunger of the syringe were separated, and activity in the needle and plunger was also measured. All experiments were performed on 3 separate occasions.
Radioactivity on the rubber stopper was determined just after reconstitution of the kit. The activity in the sealed vial was measured using a dose calibrator. The rubber stopper was then carefully removed and blotted dry, the activity on the stopper was measured, and the percentage of activity was calculated.
The ingredients of different freeze-dried kits are given in Table 1. Table 1 also gives the pH value at which labeling efficiency is maximal. The labeling efficiency of all radiopharmaceuticals used during these studies was more than 95%. Table 2 presents the percentage adhesion activity of 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals on vials and rubber stoppers. The activity on rubber stoppers was measured just after reconstitution of the kit. In most cases, the activity of 99mTc on rubber stoppers was less than 1%. The maximum activity, approximately 1%, was found for sestamibi, mercaptoacetyltriglycine, and dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) (V)—radiopharmaceuticals for which a boiling or shaking step was used for labeling.
Formulation of 99mTc-Radiopharmaceuticals
Adhesion (%) of 99mTc-Radiopharmaceutical on Vials and Rubber Stoppers
The adsorption of 99mTc onto vials increased gradually with storage time. Adsorption was minimal at the initial stages, whereas retention was maximal after 5 h. After 15 min, retention was less than 1%, except in vials of sestamibi, mercaptoacetyltriglycine, dextran, ciprofloxacin, and DMSA (III and V). After 5 h of storage time, nearly 5% adsorption of activity was observed for vials of sestamibi, mercaptoacetyltriglycine, dextran, ciprofloxacin, and DMSA (III and V). These findings indicate that total retention of radioactivity on vials and stoppers is insignificant in our setting.
Mean values for the percentage of radioactivity remaining in the 3 types of syringes and their parts are presented in Table 3. The percentage of activity left on a syringe and parts was calculated using the following formula: residual activity (%) = (residual activity/initial activity) × 100. Retention of activity on needles ranged from 1% to 2% for all preparations studied. Plungers did not retain any significant radioactivity; in most cases, retention was less than 0.5%. The maximum retention of radioactivity on plastic syringe bodies was more than 3% for sestamibi, DMSA, dextran, pyrophosphate, and phytate. However, it cannot be concluded that one brand of syringe showed less retention of radioactivity than the others for all study radiopharmaceuticals.
Adhesion (%) of 99mTc-Radiopharmaceutical on Different Parts of Syringes
For the last 2 decades, the Kit Production Group at PINSTECH has been manufacturing and supplying freeze-dried kits for the preparation of 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals to more than 20 hospitals practicing nuclear medicine in different cities of Pakistan. During that time, no incidents of loss of activity on vials or syringes have been reported by the end users. In contrast, adsorption of 131I (oral solution of sodium iodide [131I] in carbonate buffer) on rubber stoppers has been reported a few times. Investigations of the adsorption of 131I on rubber stoppers are in progress and may be the subject of another publication.
It would be reasonable to expect manufacturers of freeze-dried kits for 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals to investigate the compatibility of their products with vials and rubber stoppers. It is also important that hospital radiopharmacies check for compatibility between syringes and radiopharmaceuticals. The use of an inappropriate syringe may reduce the administered radioactivity to a patient, leading to poor-quality images.
Freeze-dried kits produced at our institute show insignificant adhesion of radioactivity on the vial, rubber stopper, plastic syringe, needle, and plunger after labeling with 99mTc. Because the time of use after reconstitution affects adsorption of radioactivity onto syringes, needles, and vials, users should reconstitute the preparation soon before administration to the patient. Determining the compatibility of radiopharmaceuticals with these objects is an integral part of quality assurance programs.
COPYRIGHT © 2008 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Inc.
- Received for publication October 24, 2007.
- Accepted for publication January 28, 2008.